
Show Notes for episode #1 of the Sagacious Cafe

Sagacious =  Having or showing an acute mental discernment 

In plain language knowing which way the wind is blowing. Now you have the meaning of the word, what do you think it implies? How about able to identify and understand something previously not known or overlooked. I opened the Cafe for the purpose of open discussion on things in our world that have a direct effect on the way we live our lives, not just here in America, but also in other parts of the globe.

The leadership anywhere has shown itself to be incompetent or worse unconcerned with the occurrences that plague country after country, and there is no effective end being proffered by anyone in leadership, except perhaps England, France, and Israel. So maybe it falls to us the people to answer the question of what to do. But to do this we need to converse as adults, refraining from the pitfall of emotionalism and focus on what best for all of us not just a select few. Ergo, I opened the Sagacious Cafe which will hit the internet on the 15th of this month, something has to be done we cannot survive if we do nothing, lets get together and plot a course of action, then get going, it’s our homes and families at stake.



The following is an overview of what you can expect at the Sagacious Cafe. It is a short intro hopefully will whet your appetite for more.


“Good morning America, how are you?”

Welcome to the Cafe, I’m Conrad, your host, most folks just call me Duke, come on in, relax, grab a chair and a cup of coffee, let’s get acquainted.

It’s been far too long since we’ve been able to plainly talk to each other without getting caught up in emotionalism. Kind of hard to get to know one another without talking though, wouldn’t you say? So what say we take the edge off and just sit and talk for a bit.

About right now, I guess you’d be asking What’s this place about? Is it just sit down, drink coffee, and palaver; I hope not! I rather hope this will become a place to speak what we feel about the situations that currently have an effect on our lives as we live them.

Do you know what discernment is? Let’s see if we can find out!

Now what does that have to do with us being here at the Cafe?

Well to begin with the word Sagacious itself means “having or showing acute mental discernment.” Down home, that means to be able to tell which way the wind is blowing, plain and simple!

There are some things in our world that we can observe that are slightly more beneficial to us than one “Contemplating One’s Belly Button” might not be as entertaining, but it definitely is far more enriching.

Open discussion, a means to an end, that end, understanding and wisdom. God knows there’s plenty of knowledge running loose and the only thing that it has garnered is more confusion than is necessary.

You know, I’v been around for a while and done a bunch of traveling around the world one of the things I have noted about people in my travels, there seems to be a common thread that at first glance is usually accorded to the state of the economy in any given inhabited region. Why this is a truism I have no idea, could possibly provide an excuse for some so they don’t have to do anything to fix it, but, it is rather short sighted and it does a disservice to nations of peoples on this planet.

I have seen some people, very depressed people, in very depressing situations, and yet I have see people who show nothing but joy and community in those very same depressing situations, kind of makes for a dichotomy in the proffering of the idea of affluence equates to self-worth.

Now, before we get into a give and take on the subject of affluence and self-worth let’s give pause to agree to the individual right of perspective. By that I mean, everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion. Opinions can evolve as we gain understanding of situations, please notice I said understanding, not knowledge. You see, knowledge is useless without understanding, and both are useless without the ability to put them to work for your betterment, that’s called wisdom.”

I hope that helps you to understand more about Sagacious. The other part of this particular equation is control, that control is aimed squarely at emotionalism. Understanding that there’s a direct connection between emotionalism and overzealous behavior will help a lot in reaching out to others to gain in everything that is important to us as individuals.

That being said, let’s converse as the intelligent people we hope we are, because if we can’t communicate with the idea of bettering ourselves, then soon enough we loose that which we deem as most important to us.

Our world is in a state of flux, which is the polite way of saying what we have right now is terribly, terribly screwed up by any definition, that is of course unless you’re an idiot, seriously folks, rampant murder, rape pillage, starvation, racial unrest, and plain jackass stupidity, elitism, class warfare, apathy and that’s the good side. Where and why is this all happening now, and what can be done about it.

What has our leadership done about it, I really think you can answer that without me saying it, but I’ll say it anyway, they have encouraged it, flatly. Every principal, every value all the mores and morals that went into setting us apart and giving us identity have been watered down, bleached out, and in some cases totally scrapped in favor of the newer more acceptable way of doing things. And the pisser about the whole thing is it is a rather small group that is making the demands that everything go their way.

Black against white, Christian against Muslim, Jew against Muslim, welfare recipients against those who have jobs, politicians against the people who elect them. The President against the country he is supposed to protect, where does it end, when does the stupidity stop. The answer friend is so simple that if it were a baseball bat, we would see it coming, but it’s not, so we have to look for it, now, how do we do that?

Welcome to the Cafe!


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What are we about at the Cafe, asked that question before, here’s the answer, we are about conversing to arrive at an agreement which can be transposed to a position and put forth to the greatest audience possible, that position is to move away from this presupposed conflagration of chaos and return to a level of civility wherein

opinions are put forth for consideration and possible implementation that benefit the

population as a whole instead of a select few.

Now, given our current level of participation, that of course will not work, so how do we go about altering that level? If after you hear this podcast and your curiosity is piqued, you could go to The Face Book page associated with this offering and see more of what

can happen conversationally to get the endeavor underway,

here’s the link: then you could also go to the Blog, here’s that link, and if you like what you hear and read, tell your friends. The idea is to get as big a following going and

insist that in all our doings we return to civility.

Or would you rather hear Louis Farrakhan keep preaching about his desire to “Kill the White folks” or perhaps the Black lives Matter movement saying “You gonna give us sumptin so you know what it feels like” Or perhaps Muslim Jihadists screaming how they will take over the world while beheading others, or shooting babies and children.

You know, there is an answer, a simple answer, but an answer that people refuse to look at, would you like to know why they refuse to look at it, it’s called EGO. I won’t tell you the answer right now because it would have no value to you , Yet, but trust me it will, it surely will.

Come Join Us at The Cafe


Retired and loving it, share my time and space with those who matter to me, been a lot of places, done a lot of things, but now, I'm a husband, father, grandfather and that's what's important. I answer to my God, my wife, and my family, that's it. I retain responsibility for what I say and do. Wish more people did.

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