Blog Archives

What motivates you to do something?


Motivation is the driving force behind how we act and what outcomes we achieve. What motivates you to do things in your life? As an online networker I feel it is important that I try to see the world through the

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Are you ready for the goal setting challenge?

10 year goal

Visualise your life in 10 years time. What would you dare to do if you could  not fail? Describe your ideal life. Who is there and how do you spend your time? These are just a few things you can

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MOTIVATION TO CHANGE- What stops people succeeding online?


Many people find online marketing hard or not effective for them. The issue though is not a lack of knowledge but rather a lack of action.  The motivation to bridge the gap between knowledge and action is often what is

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Want to be more productive working from home? Then get rid of the pain in the neck.

Photo on 2013-02-23 at 23.46

Your neck and shoulders contain muscles, bones, nerves, arteries, and veins, as well as many ligaments and other supporting structures. Posture is the position we hold our bodies in when we are sitting, standing or lying down. Working from home

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Computerholics Anonymous anyone?


Imagine this…cascading waterfalls, tweeting birds, a pool lounge, and a fresh juice mock-tail served by smiling friendly people. Arhhh. One can dream right? Today I worked my offline job, came home and promptly feel asleep putting my kids to bed.

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The many personalities of Kristie Folkes


When I was growing up all I wanted to do was learn how to surf. Now we own a surf business Mojosurf and I can surf whenever I want. I loved health and always wanted to work in the health

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So you work from home, make lunches, tidy the house, run errands, etc etc etc. We are super busy people and some times it is hard to remember to stop let alone take silent time out to meditate or refocus

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Why people do not want to pay to work from home.


Why are people so interested in my work from home business until they find out it costs money to start up?  This is a question I have come up against from myself a bit recently. I personally cannot get my

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work from home caos

  Everybody wants to be rewarded for the work they do. I know I have struggled for years with trying to work out of thehouse while raising my 3 children. I say struggled because for me it was hard to find

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pHantastic Alkalising – the low down on pH and how alkalising can help you get healthy fast.

Alkalising is the new “buzz” word going around. You may have heard of it, you may have read about it, you may even be doing it. So what is Alkalising and what is all the fuss? pH is the number

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Help – I need to lose weight!

As a Naturopath the questions I get asked most frequently is “How can I lose weight?” “I need to lose weight, what can I do?” “I don’t eat much but I can’t lose weight. Is there a pill I can

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Caring is Sharing

Love, Share, Unite. I heard a seminar this week on love. What I loved most about it is that it was encouraging loving from the heart even those we cant stand.  Now I always joke to my friends that I

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Getting orderly with marketing

ACHIEVE, NOURISH and BREATHE Ever had one of those mind spiralling times in your life when 24 hours is not enough. Well here I am sitting in the middle of my mind spiral trying to make heads and tails of

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Marketing made easy

This week I was Humbled, Grateful and Stoaked. Ok so it is no secret I dont know much about marketing a business. This fact was rubbed in my face this week when I posted on FB to get as many

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