Blog Archives

Traffic and Safelists I Use All The Time

This List Is Under Construction I am actually doing this while on vacation, and don’t have all my info in front of me.  I will add more information and referral links as I get around to them. Traffic These are

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My Portfolio Of Feeder Systems

Now that I am retired, I pretty much do whatever I like most, and try to pursue some things I have either not tried before, or areas in which I know I have no expertise.  My goals are to  keep my

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Working hard from Myrtle Beach

    Working hard. From Myrtle Beach SC, sitting on our balcony overlooking the beach, sipping coffee, watching other vacationers dig in the sand for sharks teeth.  I didn’t realize that was a big thing until I asked someone what

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So Exciting – First Global NPN Signup!

So it finally happened.   Now I’ve gotten tons of leads from many of my different “projects”, and some paid signups, but for the most part, most projects are not even close to breaking even. Yesterday I got my first

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How Auto is Auto Pilot?

I keep getting hooked into these “Done-For-You” projects that probably should not  be using that moniker.  They basically fit into 3 categories: A) Life-Is-Great – performs as expected.  Makes money.  Sit back and drink wine. B) It’s-Freakin-Magic-Trust-Me – I don’t

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New to GlobalNPN

This program was offered to me as an additional stream of income associated with Brian Davis and his MLMDownline initiative. Initial thoughts: I need more information about the program and how it all fits together There seems to be a

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