Internet Marketing Success: 3 Tipping Points

Why do people, potential customers and like-minded individuals jump from one opportunity to another on the internet? Why do these same folks always feel the grass is greener on the other side when they haven’t really given their current opportunity a chance to bring them to the edge and over. I would like to share with you four important tips on what needs to be done on a regular basis as these tips are critical to keeping you focused and will enable you to increase your sales and to maintain yourself on your side of the grass. These four tips are working for countless of successful marketers and will work for you too.

So what are these four tipping point tips:

1. One to one – this means having a unique url for every product you are promoting.

Make a website for every product you are an affiliate for. Don’t just put everything into one site. Why? Because on one website you can do alot of things for that one product. You can write reviews and post them there. You can write articles that touch on the product; its uses, its pros and cons. You can do that on additional pages of the site. Now each page needs to stand alone and should look great and most importantly, have a call to action.

2. Provide “free” reports to your readers.

Place a webform towards the top of the page attached to an autoresponder. You want to be able to place about 10 messages into your autoresponder. There is actual research that indicates that it takes approximately seven messages to a prospect before it results in a sale. Remember that the reason they signed into your autoresponder was to partake of the “free” report you had enticed them with, so make sure you include the free report. When folks visit your unique web url, two things can happen: you close a sale or the prospect leaves the page and never returns. That is why it is important to capture their attention to opt in to your webform. By them signing up, you have the opportunity to provide useful information into their emails at specified intervals so they will remember you. Therefore, seize the opportunity to remind them of your awesome product they thought they wanted. Make sure your content is directed toward a specific reason why they can’t afford not to buy the product. Appeal to their senses. But, DO NOT, make it sound like a sales pitch. Keep the conversation natural and flowing but focused on needs you know they have because they are at your site. Focus on why your product is going to enhance their lifestyle, fix their problems and overall, make their life easier, make their online life easier and more fruitful, more profitable if they go with your product.

3. Reach the audience for your product.

Remember if you are selling cooking utensils, why would a golfer be buying from you. So again, sell your product to the right audience. Never purchase general lists of subscribers unless they are targeted to the products you have. You can advertise in websites that you believe your audiences will be visiting. Writing articles and placing them on your blog, publishing articles and placing them in ezines or article depots so targeted audiences can find them can all help to bring targeted, interested prospects to your site. It only takes one to buy your product, so the goal is to reach as many potential buyers as possible. These tips can be your “Tipping Point” bringing you over the brink and flooding your wallet, your PayPal or bank account.

I Did and Now I Am Empowered


Not retired yet but aiming to do just that. A corporate marketer still in the rat race. I have one teenage daughter just entering college and preparing to spread her wings. I am sad and happy about that. I enjoy working my home-based business and l look forward to retiring with a nice income. I live in the US. I also take full advantage of Safelist Marketing through the use of this awesome safelist organizer and submitter. Check it out here: My Safelist Organizer And if you allow me to be your sponsor, I will WORK alongside you to ensure you are set up properly and running towards that goal of being a success online. Check this out also if you like being involved in new launches, this one is coming soon and will likely change the course of internet marketing! DownSized but Not DownTrodden or watch this video: ENv2
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