How Do You Influence Others


Sometimes you don’t realize how you influence others. Like most parents, I wonder sometimes if my kids listening to me when I’m talking to them. Then at a later date, they’ll surprise you by repeating something you told them or you’ll catch them automatically doing something you have told them to without asking.

The best part is when you as the parent are feeling down, and your child gives you the same encouraging words…that you give them when there in that situation. Moments like these are priceless!

A friend of mine has been having constant trouble with her Internet connection. She called her Internet provider in the past, and they would come out(a few days later)and “fix” the issue then over the next couple of days it would be out again. She’s been having this issue for months.

Well this friend called me yesterday and told me she called her Internet provider again. But this time she remembered what I told her about threatening to cancel her account because you’ll get transferred their cancellation department, where they have special offers and access that the customer service department does not have.

Well needless to say, she took my advise and when she was transferred to the cancellation department, her bill of $180 was credited and a tech was sent out to correctly fix the issue, the same day. 

I share information with people all the time. The funny thing is, I don’t remember having this particular conversation. It just goes to show, you may not think anyone is paying attention, but every now and then, you’ll get reminded.

I have always been appreciative when valuable information was given to me. And in the spirit of playing it forward,  I also want to pass on valuable, useful information. I even landed a $25 an hour full-time job because of information I was given-that job was’nt even advertised yet.

And I could never understand people that have valuable information that could help others, but refuse to share it. But when you find out from someone else, these very people tend to get upset that they could’nt stand in the way. The old saying goes, “you can’t take it with you” Have you even seen a u-haul attached to a hearse?

I will continue to strive to influence people in  a positive manner.

And I want to be a positive influnce on you as well. Leave a comment and tell me what you think.

–>Positive Influence<–

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Skype: Courtnei.PeaceandFreedom

Courtnei Swain







Courtnei Swain

Hello, my name is Courntei and my desire in working from home started in 1993, that's when I became aware that this was even a possibility. From there I spent a lot time trying different things. When one thing didn't work out, I'd get frustrated (a little) then look for something else. But I never completely gave up! My desire to make money from home remained strong. In between trying, I worked full time jobs but never stopped pursuing my dream! After many trials and errors along the way, I discovered what was missing in my pursuit...a Network! In any successful business there’s a network of people working together to make the business prosper. In addition to an abundance of support from training tutorials, weekly online meetings, email support and more! Where you never feel alone or like your own your own! And that's what I found here, with NPN! Come join me on the journey to success! Any questions? Feel free to ask to ask! I'm also on Facebook: Courtnei Swain and Skype: courtnei.peaceandfreedom
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