Work On Your Retirement Fund

Work on your retirement fund.  You may ask, “Brandon what do you mean?” Are you talking about social security, 401K, state retirement, etc. No I’m not talking about that. Honestly, be glad I am not, because frankly, these retirement programs are on shaky ground, and maybe extinct sooner if not later. The question is, what retirement fund are you talking about working on. Well I’m talking about what I would called a online retirement fund. This online retirement fund is a new concept, and what is it, it is putting out content, it’s just that plain and simple. In fact putting out as much content as you possibly can. Putting out content is expressing to be people through speech or writing. That can be anything from writing blogs, writing articles, doing videos on YouTube, anything that you say to people through these mediums is putting out content. When you are putting out content, you are expressing your thoughts and experiences to connect with people. That is very important today in this day and age. The reason is because, people join people not companies or products. You can have the best product out there, or be in the best company out there, but if you are not branding yourself as a good leader, then recuriting is going to be very difficult. One of the qualities of being a good leader means that you put out content, and it should be good content to. Something that is going to be of some value to somebody and that they can take the content and use it to build their business more effectively and even they can take it and use it in their everyday lives.

Now, not to get away from the actual subject what we are talking about, like I mention earlier, putting out content, starts building your online retirement fund. How this happens is when you put out content on a regular consistent basis, time after time, you are building a online presence, so once you become known in the online world, especially if you are known as a good leader. People may start looking you up and then they may find some past blogs, articles, videos that you have done. Those people who find this content can very well turn into leads are even sales, which in turn can put money in your pocket. Just think you can get to the point where you can be making money while on vacation, sleeping, eating, or just doing nothing at all. This good and valuable content can provide you will income for many months and even years to come. Believe it or not, this very thing I am talking about is happening right now. People are getting income from their content that they are putting out, and may I mention one more time, their past content they put out. So may this be part of your daily action you take as you build your business as well as building a good online presence. In the process you will be building a online retirement fund.

P.S. Please feel free to leave your comments and feedback, it will be greatly appreciate it.



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  • Melissa Ullrich

    Hello Brandon ,, this is such a great post , I worry so much about SSI , or that I will have enough money to live by the time I retire. Its is time for us to realize that we have to do things a bit different .. The internet has provided a way to connect and offer value to so many people and teach them a new way. This is so true people do join people I have read your blogs and you are always offering value and the energy that jumps out of your writings is simply amazing . I look forward to following you and your advice.

  • Khana Kerns

    Wow Brandon what an interesting concept! Stocking retirement funds by creating content…I love it!

  • Craig Caron

    Hey Brandon. Great stuff brother. Would love to see some videos from you in the future. Keep up the great work.

  • You’re absolutely right, Brandon! Content is key to getting leads and make your retirement fund grow! Thanks for sharing.

  • Frank Osorio

    Brandon I think I’ll re-post this on my blog, it’s that good!
    Just one thing I want to suggest, break up your paragraphs.
    Besides that keep up putting out valuable content!

    All my best,
    Frank Osorio

  • Corinne Floyd

    Absolutely Brandon – it is a very solid way to work on a retirement fund. Taking responsibility for your own income.

  • Brandon! I love the creativity! This is a cool concept really, creative way to think about content creation when you run into one of those “writers blocks”.

    Thanks for sharing,

  • Latanya

    So true Brandon. i am definitely working on my retirement. Thanks for the tips.

  • Ms. M.E.

    This is very true. Good to see you taking advantage of this strategy. I’m linking to your article on my blog. Also, I’ll inbox you some tips about maximizing the results from publishing online.

  • Brandon Tucker

    I appreciate all the comments and tips on doing better. Much success to all of you.