
How to Set a Goal for Your GlobalNPN Business!


It is something that most of us have studied on our own, but really it should be a regular part of the curriculum in schools. It may be a small part of why so many people seem to wander around aimlessly in life and never achieve much.  It is the practical part of getting somewhere in life and accomplishing what you need to accomplish in order to be able to provide for your family and yourself.

It also must be a massive part of the internet marketer’s life. Without it you will be part of the 98 percent that fail and never break even. Without it you will end up being a program jumper and that will add to your constant failure.

Ok, I keep going on about something that must be a part of what we do every day; what is it? I am referring to setting goals and objectives for yourself. We must do this and we must teach our team to do the same. I think that many of the “experts” overcomplicate things in order to intimidate us and make us believe that we need to buy their book or take their class in order to understand “setting goals”.

In this blog post, I will simplify it and then you can get started setting your own goals.

  1. Decide What You Want. You got to know where you want to go before you start heading in that direction.  More money? More friends? Be a better  parent? Be the best team leader at NPN? You have to decide.
  2. Start small. Break your goal into smaller steps. Setting a goal without a little realism can set you up for failure. You may want to set a goal of recruiting your first NPN member before you aim to be the top recruiter.
  3. Have Goals for Specific Areas of Your life. Family, Career, Social, Physical, Mental and Spiritual are all areas of human life. Have goals to aim for in each one.
  4. Be positive when stating your goals. Instead of saying “I am not going to be late to work today”, say “I will arrive at work 15 minutes early today”. It seems small,  but it really does help.
  5. Don’t Sell Yourself Short. You will miss out on so much if you spend your life thinking you can’t do this or that you are not able to do that. Ignore those fears, forget what others may think and go for it.
  6. Write It Down. In this electronic age, we may be tempted to type our goals into our IPhone or BlackBerry, but instead write them down with the old antiquated pen and paper. You are actually confirming you are willing to make it come true. A written list of goals is an effective reminder of what you need to do.
  7. Affirm Your Goals. Telling yourself what your goals are helps reinforce what you write down. Just don’t let others see you talking to yourself!
  8. Stop procrastinating. Don’t let fear stop you from getting started.
  9. Get Used to Enjoying Challenges.  You know it can be a big relief to finally accomplish something you have challenged yourself with and then you hesitate to set a new personal challenge. Once you breath a sigh of relief after calling your first GlobalNPN contact, get prepared to call the next and the next. You have to train yourself to enjoy challenges and thrive on the next.
  10. Check Your Progress. If you aren’t accomplishing what you intended, maybe you aimed a little too high and need to set a smaller goal.

So those are the essential steps you need to follow when setting a personal goal and working towards it. Setting goals will help you in every area of life, so go ahead and get started today.

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