How to Upload Pictures Effectively

Image-upload_iconHow to Upload Pictures and Use them Effectively

One of the many ways to effectively use your computer skills in marketing is to upload and download any kind of images. It is one of the simplest yet essentials in marketing skills. But like other useful marketing techniques, there are some who do not know how to use it or see the value of it. So I decided to share a few things that I learned about uploading images to my computer and how I use it to convey the things I want to express in the social media platform. Here is my 3 top favorite ones:

  1. Images help to express your feelings and convey your story. You have heard a picture is worth a thousand words. Well there is nothing truer than that. With just one shot …it can speak Volumes
  2. Images also adds color and contrast to your content. It is pleasing to the eye and will connect the reader to the importance of what you want to express.
  3. Images can also evoke emotions. Nothing can make you connect more with an audience than an image or video that can make you laugh, cry or any other emotion YOU want the reader to feel.

So that is the reason using images are so important to your content. In the video below I walk you through how to upload a picture to your computer and then download it to your blog, word doc, or anywhere images can be used. Check it out below

Well I hope that was helpful to you. Remember… all you need to do is take action and utilize this to get more engagement socially or in your business. Talk Soon Sharon~

I am a Bubbly-Fun loving Entrepreneur that notices one thing about people. That thing is that most people want to be successful. They want to so bad that look all around on the internet in hopes to find that one thing that will lead them to success and wealth in what is important in life. Health, Wealth and Security. I know I have been there too! Now you have find it in Global NPN. And I would love for you to join me in this journey. I have a happy home here and it is helping leverage my other businesses online. So get ready for the RIDE OF YOUR LIFE! Welcome to Global NPN!!!
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  • Pam Mckeen

    I can remember when uploading pictures and using them effectively was a challenge. Your Volg will be most helpful to beginners.

  • Derrick Harris

    This is some awesome training on uploading photos. You wont believe how many people dont really know how to do this.