Send out a welcome video to engage with your members

One of the things you can do to best increase your results is to make a welcome video that you can send to your signups and prospects.  It is a great way to be engaged and show people that you have something of value to offer.  You might be surprised to know that there are many people that will buy into a program and then never use it, never really discover how to use the tools that they buy.

Of course there are others that may need a little help to get started.  That is why I like to give a short tour of the back office.  With the NPN hosted video service it is really easy to make a video, store it and then email it out using the MMPro responder.

Here is an example of a welcome video I did recently.  I could have put my face on it but I decided not to this time. Check it out here…



Wolf Zappe: husband, father, grandfather, outside sales, online marketer who loves seeing the good in all the world. Loves to sing (classically trained tenor) and also loves to golf. Never afraid to learn new things as there is so much to learn with so much technology available.
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