How To Create A Feeling Of Community By Commenting

If you are like most bloggers after you publish a post you forget about it in favor of creating new content. Sure, you might read a comment here or there, but do you take the opportunity to interact with your readers?

There is nothing worse than having a one-sided conversation and, if your blog visitors are submitting comments, but you aren’t replying, then that is the sort scenario that they find themselves in. By replying to these comments you will be able to create an even more interactive experience and a sense of community for your visitors.

You will provide them with another reason to return to your site in order to read your reply and, perhaps, add another comment of their own. This is also a great way to humanize yourself to your readers. Let them know that there is a person behind the post. It is in this way that you will be able to engender a sense of loyalty among your readers. It is when they begin to view you as a person that they will become even more invested in your success.

P.S. Click Here To Out More On Blogging


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  • Brian Angeli

    Your Best First Step Doing Biz Online Is To Get A Blog And Use It Daily