How To Earn With Your Free CTFO Business or any Business


I have been getting some questions on how to earn with the FR33 CTFO biz. So below is a simple way to do just that, and if you will follow what is outlined below you can start earning with it today. Read it all the way to the end and my suggestion is to pick the Super 7 to promote with this strategy.


HOT Market System

YVP, Inc.

Who is the HOT Market?

A simple definition could be what could be called your “3 AMers”. Go through your phone

contacts from A to Z and make a quick note of EVERYONE who if your car broke down outside of town at 3 AM they would hop out of bed immediately to come help or if they called you at 3 AM you would do the same without hesitation. THAT is your HOT Marketand everyone has plenty of those folks. These are also the same folks that don’t see you as a powerful entrepreneur but will support you and help you because they love you.

Starting them as product trial consumers is a PERFECT beginning.

Couple key items:

1.Primarily designed for programs with higher initial cost packages with larger product inventory.

a.Idea is to help the new distributor get their expense returned and back to Break Even


b.HOWEVER, even without a large initial inventory startup, this same technique can         create DOZENS of paid product trials with only a couple hours of effort over a new teammember’s first 24 to 72 hours in the business.

2.If initial packages are made up of a “variety” style of products where there are only one or two

of many products, this also makes it difficult. This has just turned the distributor into a Super Consumer rather than a business operator.

a.Best if the company adds similarly priced packages where there are larger quantities of

one primary focus product or a two product “set”like “am/pm” type of thing then

the HOT Market System can CRUSH it because it’s the same conversation with the entire

HOT market until all product units are moved.

3.The GREATEST aspect of this process is that upon completion, a new team member is now equipped with the MOST IMPORTANT asset they could have for the rest of their career a huge PERSONAL SUCCESS STORY from their FIRST FEW DAYS in the business.


A new distributor comes with only four things: hope (more truthfully fear), uncertainty, a large order of product and a close circle of family/relatives/close friends who will help them with almost anything one time if asked. This follows the same natural behavior as if they started any business like a restaurant, or dress shop.

Family/close friends will always show up on opening day and will purchase to show support. The quality of the food, dresses or in NWM the product itself will determine if they ever buy again. This also works for service businesses with some obvious differences. When involved in a service offering as the product instead of a physical product, there is usually no “inventory” initially purchased.The new team member most commonly simply registers as a use of the service to get started. So there is no “inventory expense” to focus on getting back quickly. However, the concepts can be used as well with simple modification for the acquisition of service customers to build the initial success story.

The Approach

With this in mind, the HOT Market conversation is literally less than 60 seconds of conversation with a decision response that is nearly immediate either Yes or No. There is NO selling involved you DON’T SELL your HOT Market you simply present a scenario and let them decide instantly and no big deal or discomfort.

Here is the language of the approach when the close circle member answers the phone

and you have a product offering:

“Hi Uncle Fred, this is Lisa …. I just started a new home based business… I am not asking you to join it or even to become a permanent customer but I am going to ask for your quick help and it’s really easy… I need 8 (10, 12, whatever…) trial consumers for marketing support. I would like you to buy a 30 day (or 60 day or 90 day not 2 months or 3 months 60 or 90 sound smaller and simpler) supply one time of my product, use it and give me your feedbackwhich will really help me market successfully…

It’s regularly $xx including shipping for a month supply but I’ll get you the trial product at a discount

(assuming there is a preferred customer pricing long term after all this is your HOT Market take care of them) and here’s what it does (very simple quick overview like “all natural, great tasting, healthy energy drink”). If you like it you can become an ongoing customer and get a preferred customer discount long term… If you don’t like the product you never have to buy it again but your feedback will help me succeed… Can I count on you to help and be one of my 8?”

If they say no, the graceful conclusion is “Hey Uncle Fred, that’s not a problem. But there is another way you can help. If you can think of anyone over the next week or two that might benefit from trying my product, would you refer them to me? Thanks so much.”

Here is the approach by text (you can have a MASSIVE amount of fun live in trainings with this one):

Text 1: “Hi Uncle Fred. I just started a

business and could really use your help it’s really fast

and simple. Text me back to find out how. Thanks…”

Text 2 when they respond “how can I help?”: “I need 8 consumers for a 30/60/90 day

trial and feedback program on my product a high end xxxxx.

I want you to buy 1 xxx (bottle, case, box, etc.) 1

time, use it, and give me your feedback

your feedback can help me market successfully. It’s $xx

including shipping for a month supply. Let me know if I can count on you to be one of my 8. Thanks.”

If it is a slightly more complicated product, it can be a 3 text process. For example, a “high end

healthy energy drink” is quick and simple

The 2 text system works. A more complicated product might look like this:

Text 2 when they respond “how can I help?”: “I need 8 consumers for a 30/60/90

day trial to give me feedback on my product

a high end patented wellness (drink/supplement/whatever) that

(simple primary benefit). I would like you to buy it 1 time, use it as directed, and give me your feedback

and testimonial. Your honest feedback can help me market successfully.

Text 3 when they respond “how much is it?”: “It’s $XX including shipping for a month supply

which includes (any special info that shows value 30 packets, 60 capsules, etc). After the

complete product experience, I can get you a Preferred Customer discount from then on if you wish, but your feedback and testimonial is what is more important for me. Let me know if I can count on you to be one of my 8. Thanks.”

You will have to change the wording up a bit to fit CTFO or the Super 7.

Hope this helps.


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