Buddy, Could You Spare Some Change?

It’s been said that nobody likes change except for a wet baby.

I’m not against change, but I would like to control it a little bit.

Once in a while.

Isn’t it amazing how people will text you and expect that you’ll drop everything to take care of whatever’s on their mind?

I suppose it’s because most people don’t plan much.

Since their lives are one big chaotic mess, they figure everyone else lives the same way.

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I don’t.

I like to plan things.

One of my favorite characters on TV was Sheldon on the Big Bang Theory.

This dude had everything planned out right on down to the most minute detail.

He did laundry every Wednesday night at the same time.

He had different breakfast cereals for each day of the week.

Heck, he even had one particular spot that he always sat on the couch.

But you know what?

If you plan your life out that way (ok, maybe not that much) you’ll get a lot more done and things will work out better for you.

Of course plans change.

No plan ever survives contact with the enemy.

And that’s OK.

Because when you have a plan, it’s easy to adjust it to handle unforeseen circumstances.

That’s why it’s a good idea to centralize your marketing online.

Putting up with changes from 6 or 7 different service providers can drive you nuts.

It’s bad enough when one changes, but when a few of them decide to remodel all at the same time it can create chaos in your business.

But I found a way to avoid all that.

It’s easy.

Just set up your marketing command center where I do.

It’ll make your marketing life a whole lot easier.

Get it done here.

Rockit n Rebel are 2 inquisitive souls livin' an adventurous life, showing YOU how to rock the world YOUR way. Blow away the smoke and clear away the clutter of online marketing BS. Click any link on this page to get started...

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