The Marketing World of Count Dracula

My name is Rockit of Rockit n Rebel and I would like to tell you a story about a marketer that has no horse sense.


There’s this goofball marketer who loves to take you for a whirlwind ride in his flashy black corvette.


His first move is to say, “Hi there” my name is “Dracula”.


“Do you need some help building your business online?”


Of course, if you are fresh meat in the marketing world you will be flattered by the glittery smile of count Dracula.


He’ll watch you like a leech that is ready to suck your blood and leave you like a dehydrated fruit.


Dracula in Convertible


He comes to visit you at night and starts haunting you in your dreams… especially if you don’t know what you are doing online.


The next day when you post a question on Facebook… he will be the first one to respond.


He suggests all sorts of stuff because he believes he is right and you are dumb.


Once you listen to him… you will be under his spell unless you recognize how he hypnotizes people.


Bit by bit he will slowly transition your existence from a corner of the group and invite you to his other world castle.


Then he’ll ask what kind of membership you are in with the group where he spied you.


If you say to him “I’m in the lowest level plan” he will suggest to upgrade your membership to the most expensive and his reason is simple….he wants a portion of your money once you sell something.


On top of that… he will promote a webinar and it ain’t free… you supply him the hungriest and most eager new clients from the meat market.


His enticing bait is all about making a funnel together to use for your business.


Of course you will try to do it yourself although you don’t understand it at first… or you don’t get it all.


Be very careful out there because you really don’t know who is lurking in the dark, scary world of online marketing.


But don’t lose your determination because there is hope once you see the light at the end of the tunnel.


Head in this direction to see the light


Rockit n Rebel are 2 inquisitive souls livin' an adventurous life, showing YOU how to rock the world YOUR way. Blow away the smoke and clear away the clutter of online marketing BS. Click any link on this page to get started...

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