Undisclosed Truths of Being an Online Entrepreneur and Guru Part I

As we scamper about with good intentions trying to get our business(s) off the ground and successful, most have lost sight of the big picture.
Most start focused and with somewhat of a game plan, only to get distracted by all the promises of money, fame and glory that go along with the many business opportunities, products and services out there.
What most have failed to see is what it REALLY takes to make it as a successful Online Entrepreneur. I will make an attempt to change that for you.
The teaching of what actually works and what you have to do won’t sound pretty. It will piss some off. Many will disagree. It even strays from the norm of what is usually taught about starting your own business and being successful.
However, you all need to hear it. You need the playing field leveled for you!
The Guru’s  in this industry will not agree; not because they think it’s wrong, but because it creates competition for them and lets out their little secrets. Actually BIG secrets.
I will split this up into as many post as I need to get my point across, so I don’t know how many are to come as of now. As of now, it is an undisclosed amount.
I implore you to stay tuned.
So, here we go!


Truth #1

You will NEVER get rich as an affiliate marketer. I talking about real money. Long term sustainable income.

Sure, you can make hundreds and even thousands of dollars doing affiliate marketing IF you are consistent at your efforts and really know what you’re doing, but unless you are the creator of said product/service, your income is severely limited.
Solution: Eventually, to make the real money you see the “Gurus” making online, you need to be the creator of your own products, services, membership sites, books, software, videos, audios and whatever other types of products you see the Big-Wigs making.

You need to be the Manager of your OWN affiliate marketing program, not just an affiliate for other people’s products and services.

The ones making the most money are the ones selling the proverbial “Picks and Shovels”, not the ones digging for the gold.
In case you didn’t know, the picks and shovels are analogies for the tools you need to succeed.

On the other side of that coin, are the gold diggers (not the people who hang around rich folks hoping to get money from them!). The people who are using those tools (picks and shovels) to find the gold (customers) and make the money.
I know you probably can’t start off that way because you either don’t have the experience and know-how yet or don’t have the money it takes to do it.

But it can be part of your overall game plan. You can start off as an affiliate to get the experience and makes some money while you learn; however you need to systematically start including your own aforementioned products and services into the mix.
I will teach you how to do this.

You then create an affiliate program for other marketers to sign up for and sell your stuff FOR YOU! Eventually, you have your own suite of products and services to sell (your own picks and shovels).
Alas, that is where the real money is made. You are a true online business owner and have your own empire and YOU are the GURU.

That is all for this article. I needed to lay the groundwork for everything else that is to come. I will go over a lot and give you a complete and uncensored education on what it really takes to succeed.
Stay tuned for more.
P.S. And if you have not signed up for my list please do so now. You will get tons of free information regular readers will not get, as well as free products just to say “Thank you for signing up.”
I take care of my readers. Believe that.

Alan Turco

United States Marine Corps Veteran, Retired Police Officer and now Serial Online Entrepreneur and voracious reader. I have many wide and varied interests, such as helping others, writing, personal development and associating with others of like positive minds. Nice to Meet You!!