5 Online Marketing Mistakes to Avoid The GlobalNPN Training Experience

The world of online marketing can be overwhelming, especially for new traditional business owners, as well as, those venturing into the world of making money online. It can be a lot of information to absorb and naturally, mistakes are going to be made.

According to many successful internet/online marketers there are certain things that must be addressed if any level of success is to be reached..The following are some areas they pointed out.

  1. Not having a business blog is putting you at an immediate disadvantage. Your business should be blogging on a regular basis. Publishing new content not only gives your website visitors to engage with but each time you publish new content you are telling the search engines that your website is being updated etc..
  2. You have to make sure that your email marketing is CAN-SPAM compliant, so you should only be mailing individuals that have requested to be added to your marketing list. There are several mistakes responsible for poor email marketing performance, but focusing on deliver ability is the first step. Tracking your spending and results will improves conversions.
  3. Many traditional business owners dive into online marketing with the same approach that they used with other forms of advertising. It is very hard to directly measure the effectiveness of those advertising channels, but thankfully online marketing can show you very detailed performance reports with plenty of data. (Tracking Stats)                                                                   As mentioned above, there is so much data at your fingertips. The worst thing you can do is not make changes to improve your campaign based on that data.
  4. If there is a traffic source that clearly isn’t producing results then eliminate it . But also allocate more to the areas with the results – it seems obvious right but! 
  5. It is important to understand that there are no overnight solutions. Content marketing, search engine optimization, and social media marketing can all take some time to ramp up. You have to build a solid foundation and build from there to have real suiccess.
I'm a disabled Veteran who since 1997 has been dealing with a intramuscular disorder a rare medical condition that evolved from severed nerves. I spent 20+ years as a self employed Insurance/Benefit Planner that held 5 licences incl. securities dealers and reached VP for two Marketing Groups before it ended. I now after years can function well enough to make a difference my goal is to make life a little better for those I care about..