
Get Organized

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Not knowing what to do every day will hit the breaks in your business…

If your house is upside down and you don’t find the things you’re looking for, you know how long time it takes to do things, right?

It’s the same with running a business. You need to have your things in order.

You have now found out the business foundation, you know your WHY, you have made your decision, and you also know how to pick the good business programs from the bad, right? So you’re ready to go… almost…

Learn these few things before you start out, because the amount of information you’ll start to receive once you get going can be huge. Here are a few simple steps worth remembering.


Passwords and other very sensitive information should be kept in physical shape on a piece of paper – NOT on your computer!

Make folders in your e-mail account for the different programs, advertising places and other specific things you’ll receive e-mails about. It will speed up your work tremendously.

Bookmark all the websites you’re using regularly, and do it in different folders so you easily can find them. All advertising websites in an “Advertise Folder”, business programs in a “Biz-Opp Folder”, tools you’re using like image resizer, webhosting, color picker and more in a “Biz-Tools Folder” and the list goes on. Exactly how you do it is not that important – Just organize so you easily can find your stuff when you need it. Time is money, and that certainly applies to this business and industry.

Make sure you have a good antivirus installed and that it’s up-to-date. You’re going to visit a lot of different websites in your search for information, programs to join, advertising and more. If you’re short of money I recommend AVG FREE and Microsoft Security Essentials.

Organize your time. You should know which hours of the day you work (at least for most of the days, things can change I understand that). An online or offline calendar is fine, but join my primary business (see the video in the right side) and get access to a great To-Do-List where you very easy and effectively can schedule your tasks, for the day, for tomorrow, for next wekk, month and year. Extremely useful!


Five simple steps that will help you be more effective and also safe (with regards to virus/malware). This might seem selfexplanatory to most of you, but hey… a lot of people don’t do these simple things, and believe me… they are NOT as effective as they could be.

Being well organized creates piece of mind and that will shine through when you market and talk/chat to other people. Making sure that you have a good and clean environment around yourself is also something a lot of people tend to forget. Now I’m not the one to tell you to tidy up, just make sure that you feel calm and in harmony, that will make you more effective and your results will be better.

OK, that’s it for today. Hope this is useful.

If you like this post, please comment below and share it with the social media buttons on the left. Also please hook up with me with the small social media buttons right below or above this post so we can connect for mutual help and benefit.

Have a great day!


If you’re not yet a member of Global NPN which is my primary online business, then check the video in the top right corner and enter your primary e-mail in the field for more info.


 Find me on the following sites as well…

Meet Ulf Astrom on Facebook Meet Ulf Astrom on Google Meet Ulf Astrom on Twitter Meet Ulf Astrom on YouTube Meet Ulf Astrom on LinkedIn Meet Ulf Astrom on SiteTalk My Main General Blog My Main General Blog My Empower Network Blog



Ulf Astrom from Sweden. I'm a fulltime Internet Marketer who has been around in this industry for several years, although fulltime since 2011. The Internet is a wonderful thing and the option of working online (which means from anywhere in the world) appeals a lot to me. I write "option" because I truly believe it's a choice you make. There's so much guidance out there about how you can create your living online. I have taken part of lots of that information during the years and I now feel confident in bringing this on to other people. Follow my blog, join my Team in one or more of the business opportunities I recommend, and I'd be happy to take you by the hand and help you make money online. In my freetime I enjoy playing music. I've been a musician for many years and I still do some gigs every now and then. Family, friends, outdoor activities also fills my life with much joy. I like to meet people who see opportunities instead of limitations. People who don't whine and complain about everything. In short, positive minded people who wants to make the most out of life. Hope to hear more from you. Best Regards Ulf