How I Am Controling My Asthma

What is asthma?  It is a serious, and potentially life-threatening disease that constricts the airways of those affected.   Airways are the tubes that carry oxygen into and out from your lungs.  Asthma is a chronic, long-term disease for which there is presently no cure.

Your airways constrict from either muscles tightening around the airways constricting the flow of air into your lungs or from chronic inflammation. Both will leave you feeling short of breath, often wheezing.  People with asthma are more sensitive to allergy triggers such as pollen, smoke and pet dander.  When exposed to these triggers, people feel like they are not getting the air they need, often describing it as feeling they are trying to breathe through a straw.

Asthma currently affects 1 in 12 people (25 million) and the numbers are growing daily, according to the CDC (Center for Disease Control).  Asthma is a $56 billion dollar industry.  No wonder the drug companies are not in a hurry to come out with a cure.

I was in the same shape as everyone else with Asthma, taking my inhalers, medications, and nose sprays. Still I would end up in the hospital several times a year, or being on steroids.  I would wheeze, puff and pant with the smallest exertions.  My quality of life was just not there.  I would puff and pant when trying to chase my two girls, 6 and 7 around, having to go sit in my chair.

I had heard  about a company that had come out with a new product that was getting wonderful reviews.  EPX Body. see more now  I decided to try their brand new Immune product.  All I can say is wow, I am no longer wheezing, and coughing.  I can really breathe for the first time in 10 years. I can move around without puffing and panting.   We had some forest fires close by and I was worried about even going outside, smoke is one of my triggers.  I decided to try it, and you know what?  It didn’t bother me.  I could walk outside.  Really.  I can go outside.  I feel so much better, every day I am taking it.

The dosage said to take one pill a day, but I sat in on a lecture by the doctor who developed it, and he said people with severe conditions can take 2 with no ill effects because it is all natural.  So I started on two pills a day. I took them in the morning, with a glass of water.   It was about a week and I noticed I was not having quite the difficulties.  I continued for another week with taking them 2 pills a day.   After that, I dropped to 1 pill a day.  If I am exposed to smoke, I will take 2 a day for a few days, then drop back down to 1 pill a day.

I bet you are wondering how much these wonder pills cost, right?  We’ll let me tell you it costs me $39.95 a month.  That’s right, just one of my inhalers costs 3x that.  What happens if it doesn’t work the way I am telling you it worked for me?  The company has a 30 day 100% money back guarantee.  All you have to do is return your unused product for a full refund.  You will never see that with your prescription medications.

If you are sick of taking so many medicines   If you want to participate in family activities.  If you are tired of existing, and not living your life, you owe it to yourself to try it out.  What do you have to lose?  see more now



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