5 Reasons Why You Need An Autoresponder

There’s a reason why marketing geniuses like Mike Dillard and Ann Sieg always tell people to focus their attention on marketing the back-end.

 The back-end is your list of customers who have bought from you before. Or it can include prospects who have heard of you and signed up for    information without buying anything.

You see, the true value of a business is NOT the website, the inventory or the pay plan…

It’s the list of prospects and customers that you own.

A crucial question I always ask business owners is:

“How Often Do You Contact Your Prospects And Customers?”

Whenever I ask someone this question, the answer is almost always “not as often as we should”.

That brings me to the first reason why you need an email autoresponder.

#1 If you are using your company capture page, your company owns your list.
You need your own capture page with your very own autoresponder tied to it.
Now you control your list.

#2 – Automatically Followup With Prospects And Customers

Most business owners get this wrong.

They don’t followup with prospects and customers. Or if they do, they are have no concrete strategy. They send emails at random, hoping they get opened and clicked on.

But this is hands-on and fails to get tangible results.

An email autoresponder is a series of emails sent to subscribers automatically. The software sends out each email at a pre-determined timeframe (as often or as little as you like, with the average being every 3 to 7 days).

#3 Save Time For More Important Things

An autoresponder allows you to automate the task of keeping touch with customers.

Instead of manually reaching out to customers, either by phone or email, you can relax. Your autoresponder software is programmed to send out an email every few days.

With the extra time available to you, you’ll be able to focus on the most important thing: growing the business.

#4 – Be In The Front Of Prospects’ Minds When They’re Ready To Buy

When people find your website for the first time, most of them won’t be ready to buy.

Maybe they don’t have their wallet. Maybe they don’t know who you are yet. Or maybe they’re just having a bad day.

But if you let these people leave your website without capturing their contact information, your chance to help them in the future has vanished.

If you’re collecting email addresses but don’t have a strategy and you’re not following up regularly, you’re leaving a HUGE amount of money on the table.

Like I said at the beginning, the true value of a business is in it’s LIST.

If you want to grow your business and increase its profits, leverage the list of prospects and customers that you already have. This is a guaranteed way to grow the business without spending more on traditional forms of advertising.

With an email autoresponder sequence, you’ll be the first company a prospect thinks of when they’re ready to buy.

#5 – Easily Deliver Value To Your Market

Before people buy from you, they have to know, like and trust you.

But how do you get to that point?

Send them valuable, useful information on a regular basis.

An email autoresponder makes this process dead simple.

Load up a series of emails that helps prospects and customers to solve their problems. When relevant, mention your products and services and explain (without hype) how they will help the subscriber.

By positioning yourself as a helpful person (not just someone out to hawk their goods), you will end up with a lion’s share of the business.


In 2013, a website is no longer enough.
Your business need to leverage the power of email. It’s one of the best ways to stay in touch with prospects and customers, saves time and increase bottom-line profits.


Partner with an Internet Giant that will offer you an Autoresponder that will deliver your email messages to your readers inbox, not their spam folder.

See Plans And Pricing

Hello! I'm Frank Osorio from Dixon Illinois. I created this Blog so I can give back to this amazing industry that's been so generous to me! I promise I will only share content that will benefit you in becoming a better and smarter Marketer! I back up what I say, that's why I also created "Free Email Follow Up Letters Newsletter." Now you too can give valuable content to your List and potential new business partners. Sincerely, Frank Osorio-Helping Networkers Grow Their Network 815-288-7840 Frank.Osorio@Mail.Com http://FollowUpSeries.NetworkWithFrankOsorio.Com

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