This is the Beginning

I did a survey a while back. I didn’t get very many responses, so I’m not sure the results were relevant. One thing I found out, was this: Whether the marketer had been in business for 30 years and was looking at the internet to expand, or they were just a newbie; I noticed a common thread.

Marketers are looking for step-by-step instructions.

There is so much information out there, it’s mind-boggling. Even WWN isn’t what it tries to be. I’m not saying that they don’t give out awesome information. It’s just that someone new to internet marketing is seeing stuff that they can’t understand or properly implement.


Truthfully, it’s an intermediate to advanced course of instruction from my point of view.

I have spent tons of money, lots of time, flown all over the world and studied the best courses available on marketing online.

I’ve learned a lot, and I want to share my insights. I’ll be sharing information about all aspects of marketing online.

Starting with the basics, and following a plan that in my experience is the fastest way to profit online, and sustain your business once you’re up and running.

My intent is to save you time, money and effort. To help you get into profit faster and hang on long enough to eventually quit your job and build your business as big as you see fit.

I think that’s a basic principle of network marketing.

Those that have gone before us teach us what they’ve learned, and each succeeding generation of marketers is able to break free faster than ever before. And the cycle repeats.

So with that in mind, I’ve got to get to work.
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