It’s Up to You!

You may have noticed this as a common theme in my business philosophy. Maybe not. But focus is so important to you and your business that it simply can’t be over-emphasized. Focus is one of the key elements to success, no matter what you’re doing.

Light from a lamp makes for comfortable reading. Focus that light until the intensity is so great you can’t look at it with the naked eye, and you can cut through 1 inch steel plate.

That’s the power of focus.

If you’re still running around grasping at every new, shiny business opportunity that comes along, knock it off. Pick something and commit to it.

Know that you won’t be on a freeway to your dreams, it’s more of a series of meandering back roads.

You know, “the road less traveled?”

Well, the reason it’s less traveled is because it’s not smooth, and there’s no map.


You make it up as you go.

Oh sure, there are people you’ll meet and tools you’ll find to help you along the way, but it’s 90%

you and how you handle the terrain.
You’ll never know what to expect. One minute it’s smooth sailing,
and the next you’re in free fall cuz you didn’t see that sudden 90 degree turn and drove straight off the side of the mountain.
The good news is that you can handle that a few times without actually being killed. OK, you wouldn’t be killed, but too many really big wrong decisions and
your business will certainly succumb to the damage caused by inattention and lack of focus.


Since you only have a limited amount of time, all the time you spend that’s not focused on your main business is time squandered trying to move too far, too fast.

It doesn’t matter how many times you attempt it, the result will always be the same. Not only will you NOT strike gold and be on easy street in 1 simple step, you’ll have less time and money to focus on what you should have been doing in the first place. Which is concentrating on the business you have chosen to commit to and putting all of your time, effort and money into making it successful.

Imagine how well you’d do in your marriage if you tried to pick up every other available member of the opposite sex that caught your eye. You know what the result of that would be.

Why do you think taking similar actions in your business would lead to a different type of result? It wouldn’t. Not by a long shot.

So here are the steps to follow when attempting anything new.

1) Choose a course of action, and commit to it
2) Take action towards your goal
3) Test to get an accurate picture of your results
4) Adjust your actions based on the results of your testing
5) Repeat steps 1 – 4 until you reach your goal

Focus on that goal that you’re after, and you’ll get there far sooner than you think you can right now.

Just remember, every time you take your eyes off the road you’ve chosen to travel, you run the risk of experiencing the ol’ “crash ‘n’ burn”. And then you’ve got to start all over.
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  • Regina Van de Velden

    awesome! thank you for the steps and yes… focus is very important.

    • Thank you for stopping by and read the entire post here.

      I totally agree with “Focus”.

  • Focus is key for success and we need to be aware of our distractions that taker focus away.
    And Id like to add another twist to this and that is if we are so focused we will miss hints and tips from the universe and people that maybe of value .

    Its the balance of focus like everything is life
