Blog Archives

A Review of Viral PLR

In this blog post, I will give you my personal review on a brand new site called ViralPLR. There’s been a lot of garbage and high-yield investment programs (HYIP) out there about the latest and greatest tool that can make

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Consistency Plus Persistency Equals Product Sales

Recently, I was reading a blog written by Nancy Radlinger of Zaney Clicks, a traffic exchange I use, and what I found interesting was the emphasis placed on the effectiveness of text ads.  Text ads are used by many of

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The Importance of Internet Marketing Strategy

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” ~Albert Einstein Laying the foundation for your business’s success is absolutely critical to everything that follows after that. If your strategy is sound, you will succeed. Your

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13 Reasons Your Business Needs a Blog

1. Attract an audience Every business needs traffic, whether this is foot traffic in a high street store or ‘eyeballs’ to an online store. A good blog not only generates traffic, but also helps retain that traffic, keeping people coming

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5 Myths About Credit Cards

There may be many people who suggest that you get a credit card, but before you do you should carefully decide whether or not you really need a credit card. The truth is that you can get by without a

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Online Business Motivational Tips

Personal development is extremely important if you are running your own home business.  Without developing your skills, mindset and attitude, your success can be limited.  The mind is so powerful it is sometimes scary how much a negative attitude can affect your day.

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Five Reasons Why You Should Join Global NPN

1. Low Risk – It only costs $14.97 monthly to get started. You are not bound to any long term contracts, you can unsubscribe anytime you want. $14.97 is all that it costs to qualify you for the compensation plan. A

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A Short History/Review of Global NPN

Global NPN or New Plan Network was launched in 2005 in Canada and is a company that is actually owned and operated by Webshooter Multimedia. The main owner of both Webshooter as well as NPN is Geoff Stephen who has

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Top 10 Ways To Choose A Great Marketing Company

1. Has the company been around for at least 5 years? If you want the efforts you put in today to pay off for many years in the future, choose a company that has proven that it will be around

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Understanding Business Aims and Objectives

Business activity is focused around the achievement of business aims and business objectives. A business aim is the goal a business wants to achieve. A primary aim for all business organizations is to add value and in the private sector

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