Blog Archives

I am back and better then ever…

Well sorry I haven’t been posting lately. I was stressed out about everything so I decided to take a break to collect my mind. So I went to Las Vegas and had a great time. I got to spend time with my

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What is the difference between online business and fitness?

Ever wounder  what is the difference between a online business and fitness? Well their is no difference. Both require almost the same thing. I will show you. To make a online business and fitness work there are things you have

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Something about me.

I am going to do something different in my blog today. Let me start by saying thank you for welcoming me into the better women’s network. My name is Ann and I have been with the Better Women’s Network for

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Online Business and Marketing

If you are looking to make money on line be careful there are a lot of misleading to good to be true sites. If they guarantee you making $10,00 a week or so then it’s false. You have to make

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Positive look for the new year

Today economy is bad and everyone is barely making it pay check to pay check. People start relying on friends and family for money because they don’t have the extra money. Things come up car breaks down, credit cards piling

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Life is good.

I was looking back on 2012 everything that happened. My life was falling apart and it was like nothing was going right. I saw all the mistakes that I made with my decisions  I had people just non stop nagging in my ear

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Just about to give up.

Last night i got to my breaking point with my finances. My only income was my daughters SSI she is disabled well when my grandpa died she got some money I reported it and now they are stopping the income.

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Frustration and Disappointing

Just when you think everything is going good and life just decides to go the way you don’t want them to go you start feeling upset, distant from people and thinking that life sucks. But it only sucks because you

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getting a new out look for 2013

Before 2013 I thought my life was not going to be good. I had to many bill collectors and got into some trouble with checking account. My marriage was falling apart working at a dead end job at a club

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