
Can I Make Money with Internet Marketing?

preferences-desktop-wallpaperWelcome. It’s very nice to have you drop by. Perhaps you’ve been looking for a little insight to internet marketing, and are having trouble separating the hype from the downright absurd.

You’ll find it here.

I’ve been looking into establishing an online business for a couple of years now.  A few years ago, I was downsized from a Marketing position like 10 million other Americans, when the US economy tanked.  Having no realistic job opportunities, I started searching the internet.  I mean, after all, others are making a living online, why not me?

Well, I want to tell you that it’s no easy task trying to find something legitimate and honest. Oh sure, there is a ton of information out there from the so-called “gurus”, claiming to make $50,000 in three days and $100,000 a month. All you have to do is sign-up and pay $27 or $47 or $97 on some useless e-book that is just more regurgitated information with no real instructions on how to really do it.  And what’s with the dollar amount ending in “7”?  I don’t remember that being a magic number in Marketing  101.

“Newbies”, as we’re called, just haven’t got a clue.  I know I certainly didn’t and got sucked in paying out precious money to try to find that “sweet spot”.  What I did finally figure out is that the heavy hitters really make their money selling classes, coaching sessions and other people’s products (affiliate marketing).   They also have multiple streams of income, but I’ll save more on that observation for another time.

For now, I don’t want you to become bored.  If you’re like me time is precious and like money.  So until the next post, if you have any questions, please feel free to leave a post or shoot me an email.

Together, we will succeed.