Confused about SEO

questions3You would not believe how many time over the years that I have been confused about SEO and have read, read, and read so much about it and it seemed the more I read the more confused I got.  Well until today, I decided to read ONE more post and her title caught my attention Top 10 Shameful SEO mistakes

Now the other thing that caught my eye was the image that she used as I am also a cat and dog lover – so if you don’t think that using graphics in your blog post make a difference – think again.  There are lot of blog post out competing for your eyes and you have do get creative with your style

If you have ever been confused about SEO, then you will want to head over and check out Top 10 Shameful SEO mistakes

Hi, I'm a Wisconsin grandma (thus wisgrandma) and own traffic exchanges, text ad sites. Enjoy writing so have several blogs and in my spare time - I enjoy line dancing and gardening. I have been working online since 2006 and believe me it has been a roller coaster ride - there have been lots of ups and downs and lessons that I have learned the hard way but sometimes it's those lessons that stick with you. Hope that you enjoy the blog post here as I try to teach thru my blogs - sometimes I do say things that others don't like hearing but in this internet world - I have learned that I would rather hear what I'm doing wrong so I can correct it before the whole world sees it and they have seen alot of my boo-boos. Also, if you are looking for a free source of traffic, I own and operate a traffic exchange called Zaney Clicks - come see me there

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  • Marcy McManaway

    Great Information. I bookmarked the site and here I thought wisgrandma meant wise grandma! lol

    • Oh I get that so much with people telling me I left out the e but it’s actually short for Wisconsin and to tell you how long I have had that email it was before they dropped to the 2 letters – but I still use it as I live in Wis. Rapids, WI hehehehe