
Mailers are not working for me

There are so many mailers opening these days and all I keep hearing is that mailers are not working for me and thought that I would expand on this subject. Most people when they are using any advertising source, the first thing that I hear is that this site or that site didn’t work. Well I’m just the opposite, when I have a source that does not get me any referrals then I take a look at what am I putting in front of them.

Over the years, I have learned to take what the site offers you in their emails and tweak it to fit you – to make you stand out from all the thousands of others promoting the same site. You have heard me preach this in TEland well I’m going to do the same with mailers.

The other day in one of the Skype chat rooms, I saw someone put in there they had sent out to over 11,000 people using the mailers and not ONE sign up and right away she said mailers are not working for me. So that got me curious on what she was using – so I PM her in Skype and asked. Just as I figured – she was taking the email from the site and just doing a copy and paste.

So my question back to her was after seeing this SAME emails thousands of times – why would I click on your link vs others links with the same ad – here you are just taking chances like when you buy a lotto ticket in my opinion. So I ask her to test something for me – the next time she could mail out – work on tweaking that same email.

A lesson that I had to learn was that even tho sites offer emails for you to promote with they should only be used as guidelines and not just take the easy way out – copy and paste. Take that email, tweak it to your style of writing – oh I know what you are thinking – I’m not a writer.

Well neither am I and over the years I have been told to write like you were talking to someone. Pretend that the screen is a person and that you have this great product, site, etc. that you want to tell them about – be excited about it and then just write. Granted you will have to tweak, tweak and tweak but it will be worth it in the long run.

Once you have it tweaked read it outloud and see what it sound like – does it sound like a car salesman trying to sell a used car or did you sound like a person that is happy with what they have found, are using it and it is working for you. Did you explain why it’s working and the benefits? Now if you did this – now go back thru this email and create bullet points from it – WHAT AFTER ALL THAT TIME I SPENT WRITING – YOU WANT ME TO SHRINK IT.

For mailers, text ad sites and safelist – the answer is yes. There are things to keep in mind – you have a very limited time to catch that persons attention – so you want your message short and get them thinking about what you are going to send them to – then the page that you send them to should be your “seller” and should not be the main page of the site all the time – this is your business – take the time to invest in it.

Now save that email that you spent time creating in a file, add your bullet points and then create a list of headliners – no I’m not crazy – you need to do this before you say that mailers are not working for me. Then each time that you send out your mailer – change the headline and then copy and paste from your cheat sheet that you have made – then track, track, track to test your results.

Is it worth taking the time to do this before you say that mailers are not working for me – well this gal came to me a week later and said that the next mailing she got 22 signup, and the next time got 12, and because she was tracking she knew which site they were coming from.

One other thing I want to let you know when you send out to these mailers, don’t be discouraged if your don’t get signups on day one – if people are like me – I have all the emails filtered from each site in their own folder and I don’t look at the emails till I need credits – so that could be 3 – 5 days even. But I will tell you that if there is a long emails – I am not even going to spend the time looking at what you wrote and I’m going to scroll even faster to get to that link to click for credits.

That being said – if you took the time to add a headline that caught my eye, then gave me some great reasons why you like this program or site then when I get to your “seller” page I am going to pay more attention. Hope all this makes sense and like with anything that I write – it’s just my opinion and is what works for me.

Hi, I'm a Wisconsin grandma (thus wisgrandma) and own traffic exchanges, text ad sites. Enjoy writing so have several blogs and in my spare time - I enjoy line dancing and gardening. I have been working online since 2006 and believe me it has been a roller coaster ride - there have been lots of ups and downs and lessons that I have learned the hard way but sometimes it's those lessons that stick with you. Hope that you enjoy the blog post here as I try to teach thru my blogs - sometimes I do say things that others don't like hearing but in this internet world - I have learned that I would rather hear what I'm doing wrong so I can correct it before the whole world sees it and they have seen alot of my boo-boos. Also, if you are looking for a free source of traffic, I own and operate a traffic exchange called Zaney Clicks - come see me there
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