
Sick and Tired of crappy Safe Lists

I am so tired of crappy safe lists and crappy safe list owners. Are you?

Or do you even know the difference?

Let me break some news to you I have discovered this week.

Lately I have been noticing a considerable drop in traffic from what I thought was good safe lists. So I started doing some research. What I found not only pissed me off but really made me realize a person really needs to track every move on a daily basis to separate the good from the bad.

The first thing I noticed was the lack of traffic from a safe list. When I watched my inbox I noticed the number one reason was I did not get the emails to earn credits. Now I am an upgraded member in these sites. Not a freebee seeker but a real serious marketer.

When I placed a support ticket they would put the blame on me. Like I don’t know to check spam. I had this in the ticket that I had checked spam before I placed the ticket. Second they would blame gmail.

So I moved them to a email account on my hosting with no filters, spam or otherwise. Still no emails. After much complaining the owner would finally admit that they had set upgraded members to ONLY receive 50 emails. That meant I was spending credits and not getting emails sent to other members.

Try to explain to these people I upgraded so I could mail to max number of members more not less. Why would I spend money to get less. I mean come on what person would do this. I mean with that kind of mentality it is no wonder so many disappear.

I am going to start doing things a little different for the Safe List Genie Members. I will be removing any safe list that can not deliver on their promises. Just a thought I, as an upgraded member, can not possibly see even the free members emails. When I am only receiving 50 emails from over 3,500 members. So why should either paid or free waste there time on that site.

If you agree look me up on Skype (Nick Anderson) and lets discuss this. OK?

Or go to my blog where I am going to do more videos on viral mailers.

Thanks for letting me vent,

Nick Anderson


Debbie Anderson

Nick and I searched for a little over 3 years looking for a simple way to make a few extra bucks and keep us busy. We are a couple of old people by our grandchildrens point of view. Neither one of us knew much about computers. We are not afraid of working at something that is simple to do. Eventually we stumbled upon a very simple process to drive a ton of traffic using free traffic. Then we had joined Global NPN as a business expense but soon discovered that the combo will produce the best foundation for any business. It is unreal the change the two have made in our lives. Get in touch with us and discover the real power of Multi Level Marketing, Free Traffic, and ListBuilding.
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