How to Pick or Choose an Affiliate Program

We all hear that you have to be in ‘affiliate programs’ to get ahead on the Internet. We hear about people making huge incomes being a ‘super affiliate’ and how these programs are the greatest thing since sliced bread.

While it IS true that you can make very good money with affiliate programs, it’s equally true that you can waste tons of time on them. Let’s look together at the basics of affiliate programs as well as some things to watch out for if you decide to affiliate.

First, what does the word ‘affiliate’ mean? Webster’s Dictionary defines the word this way…

Affiliate: [verb] To associate as a member <affiliates herself with the local club>

That’s exactly correct. When you become an affiliate you are associating with the product or service you will be selling.

So being an ‘affiliate’ is simply a fancy Internet way of saying that you are going to be a commissioned salesperson.

Just like your car insurance agent collects a percentage of your premium (a commission) when you pay your bill, so you too will be paid a commission when you sell someone’s product or service.

Now that you know what being an affiliate is, here are five quick things to look for BEFORE you associate yourself with someone’s product or service.

1) Be yourself. If your site is all about embroidery, you probably won’t get too many clicks for car parts sites. Stick with what you know at first and, once you learn how to promote on the Internet, move on to different products.

2) Check it out. Don’t just jump in because it’s easy. Ask yourself this question; Is the product or service you are affiliating with something you would bring to your best friend? If not, you may want to keep looking.

3) Talk to affiliates. Ask for a list of happy affiliates. Ask them some key questions such as did they get the help and support promised? Are they being paid on time? You get the idea.

4) Look long term. If your first arrangement doesn’t pan out, don’t give up. Many people on the net are making excellent incomes with affiliate programs. You can too.

5) Go for quality. Make a checklist of everything you want, find two who meet the criteria, and go all out with those two.

Regardless of the enticing book titles, you probably won’t get rich in the next 3 days with affiliate programs. But you CAN begin today to find the right two to start with and, in time, be making buckets full of money. Now that’s a great place to be.


Article taken from:Ben Holsinger

I have been marketing online for about 6 years. I have plans to retire in the next few months and devote 100% of my time helping others to be successful in marketing whatever business they choose. I know from experience that it takes the right foundation and training to make a home business successful. It takes time to learn the skills you need to market on-line. Learning these skills could take years on your own, unless you find the right training and someone willing to teach you. If you are willing to learn I am willing to teach you. GlobalNPN has all the tools and training needed to make you successful in ANY BUSINESS you choose. I sincerely hope to have the pleasure of working with you. You will NOT be ALONE! Sincerely, James Caldwell