
Understanding Business Aims and Objectives

Business activity is focused around the achievement of business aims and business objectives.

A business aim is the goal a business wants to achieve. A primary aim for all business organizations is to add value and in the private sector this involves making a profit. More strategic aims include expansion, market leadership and brand building.

A business objective is a detailed picture of a step you plan to take in order to achieve a stated aim. These need to be SMART in order for the business to know what progress it has made towards achieving the objective:

Specific – clear and easy to understand.
Measurable – i.e. able to be quantified.
Achievable – possible to be attained.
Realistic – not ‘pie in the sky’.
Time bound – associated with a specific time period.

Public sector organizations like the Inland Revenue set objectives for service, such as processing customers’ tax returns within a given time period.
Private sector organizations like Kelloggs might set objectives for customer satisfaction, and effectiveness in handling customer orders within a given time period.

Objectives within an organization are established at a number of levels from top level corporate objectives, down to team objectives and individual objectives that create a framework for operational activities. These are often translated into targets which help to motivate staff in reaching short-term goals.

Objectives therefore provide a clear structure for all of the various activities that an organization carries out. By measuring how well an objective has or has not been achieved, managers can make necessary changes to their activities to ensure progress and achievement of the stated objectives is made within the timescale allocated.

Article taken from:  http://businesscasestudies.co.uk/business-theory/strategy/aims-and-objectives.html#ixzz2G6A1pn8l

Please allow me to introduce or reintroduce myself. I am June Pereira. I was born in Santa Cruz, Trinidad, West Indies and today I live in a beautiful home in a borough/county here in my country which is called Arima. My upbringing has done a lot for me especially with the values my parents, especially my mom, instilled in me from a very young age. In my country, our schooling system is made up of primary, secondary and tertiary/university, etc. Fortunately for me, I have been through primary, secondary and tertiary. Whilst I may not be a university graduate, I did do my medical transcription at our Medical Data Campus, here in Trinidad. My education also includes learning a “trade” which is one of making jewellery; yes, making precious jewellery. I did that for a while, for about 7 years, and then “branched off” into managing a jewellery shop in one of our finest and oldest shopping malls here at home. Whilst working in this capacity, I was very fortunate to meet some very interesting people from “around the world,” including the author of “The Making of The West Indies,” (a history book I used in secondary school) Professor Fitzroy Richard Augier from Jamaica. Somehow, I ended up studying medical transcription in 2005. Those 7 months of studying medical transcription were some of the most stressful times in my life. I was in my early 40s then and had just acquired my first home and exams were coming to me like “crazy.” But I managed to complete that course and was very successful in doing so. I then went on to work from home as a medical transcriptionist (still doing so to date) and soon began to think about working as an online marketer, affiliate marketer or anything online that afforded me the opportunity to work for myself. I started to become more and more curious about that and around 2009, I started to “investigate” and “check out” things online. The first multilevel marketing company I joined was Strong Future International. At that time, I had no idea what I was doing and I had to learn everything about safelist marketing, traffic exchanges, traffic ad exchanges, etc. I then got involved with Global NPN through my upline James Caldwell and he and his upline, Edwin Watford, have assisted my quite tremendously over the last 2 years and they are still working online and helping me every day up to the time this of writing this. Luckily for me as well, I have always been able to depend on Geoff Stephen, the owner of Global NPN, who is someone I can always count on to answer questions when I ask. I still have a lot to learn and I am willing and ready to work with any persons who want to work with me. I plan to quit medical transcription in the near future and focus more on online marketing be it MLM, traffic exchanges, safelist marketing or a combination of some things. I would like for the person/s reading my blog to follow me on twitter. My username for Twitter is: junebuenavista. My Skype username (if you need it) is: sweetoman.