This blog will cover listbuilding tips, tools, and techniques. Basically anything that deals with listbuilding. Everyone from newbies to pro’s are welcome to provide input.
Ask your questions about how to do something, or provide a tip about how to do something better. I’ll periodically talk about a subject but please ask questions about anything, or provide your own comments and tips.
Some of the subjects I’ll be chatting about are autoresponders, splashpages/lead capture pages, products, content, adswaps and monetizing your list.
Here’s my website for more information about Listbuilding:
I am a married dad of 2 young men. I'm retired from the military where I served as a communications technician. After retiring from the military I worked as a satellite communications instructor. Now I'm building my income online by building my own list first. I enjoy training / mentoring other people who wish to learn listbuilding. If you wish to contact me, please skype me at gary.haupt