
Global NPN Gets Better and Better!

I joined Global NPN earlier this year because it gave me what I was looking for.

I had been researching ways of making money on line and had joined a number of sites and bought various products and software. However, there was always something missing. I signed up for more than one  auto-responder and hosting accounts because each time I bought a so called “money making scheme” it required a different autoresponder than the previous one I was a member of.  I ended up with a few useless Domain names, again because I was told to by various so called Gurus who promised monitized sites that would bring in loads of cash!

Did I make any cash from these NO, Nothing!! This was because  the programs did not work or there was no step by step support to help me as a newbie. The truth was that there are no “get rich quick” schemes.  Money can be made but it takes time and hard work. You can succeed and make quite a lot of money within a year if you follow step by step instructions.

This is where  Global NPN comes in. I finally found a program that tells the truth and guides you through the process of how you can make money in internet marketing. Not only is it teaching me what and how to do things, it is also giving me all the tools I need to succeed. I have been able to cancel my other auto-responders and hosting accounts because NPN gives me all of these for a lot less than I was paying for them all individually!

NPN has a huge suite of tools to use and also includes Ad Tracking; URL Rotator; 2 Autoresponders; Domain hosting and Pagemaker, Plus Lead management and free PLR products to rebrand and sell as your own, and now you also get your own instant blog and you get it whatever level of membership you have!!

It is great to have everything you need in one place, but perhaps what is even more important is that NPN also can provide you with an amazing pay-plan which allows you to achieve an income of over $47,000 pa within a year with only one new referral each month following the “Power of  1” strategy

I can now honestly say I am making money with Global NPN and it is getting bigger and better every month! This is down to the support and direction I get from my sponsors and the brilliant newbie friendly training you get in the back office.

Global NPN is so affordable starting at $14.95 a month and is perfect for both having Global NPN as your main business and to use to promote any other business you might have.

If you are not a member yet click on the link to find out more and if you have joined take a look at the benefits you get with the director level membership – it is well worth the extra and it will save you a lot of money in the long run.

Video Ad pages and video emails are more tools being added very shortly !!

Click the link:  http://thenpn.com/at/54217


Hi My name is Angela Smith and I live in London UK. I was a teacher for 28 years and unfortunately stopped a year ago due to my fibromyalgia. I had been looking at ways of replacing my teaching salary through the internet for the last year. I tried lots of different systems but never seemed to make anything work. Then eventually I realised that getting a list and targeted Traffic was vital to succeed in internet marketing. Lots of products gave me something but none gave me step by step guidance and support. I came across Global NPN and at last have found what I was looking for. Global NPN provides everything you need. The step by step guidance is excellent. I now know what to do to get traffic and I have the tools in place now to gain a residual income from my traffic sources. Global NPN also will provide a good income even if you only manage to get one referral per month. I started with the Pro membership and very quickly realised that NPN Director membership was what I needed to finally develop my on-line business. Global NPN offers great support and I look forward to supporting and working with any of my referrals that I sponsor in my downline.