
Stay at Home Moms and Dads, This is For You

No Technical Skill Needed and Built In Money Making

Greetings and thanks for stopping by my new NPN Instant Blog.  The buzz at NPN has really been loud recently as more tools are being added, like this NPN Instant Blog. Talk about a cake walk.  All you have to do is log in and start typing.

If you want to make money blogging, it’s already configured for that as well with a built in opt in page.  All you have to do is blog and post and let the blog do your talking for you.

Some of your readers will see the offer of the Free Report on the right of your blog and want to learn how to earn almost $50K a year, after just twelve months, by selling just one tool package, at  $14.97, per month.  They will  opt in to get the report  that explains everything how NPN was designed to help the new online marketer but is robust enough to grow with you.  Once they read the report and see the opportunity before them, some will sign up and you will earn a commission. You haven’t done any selling or calling at this point. All you did was write a blog post and share it on some sites.

I believe this will be a great way for Stay at home Moms and Dads to start bringing in income.  As a parent, you can blog about your experiences as a Mom or Dad and post in parenting groups.  You don’t have to worry about the selling, as the blog does it for you and you make money when they join NPN.

I did this quick video for you to show you just how easy it is to get started blogging and making money online.  You can check it out

The power is in the consistency.  If you can blog daily or at least a few times a week, and post, you have an excellent opportunity to make money from home and to help others make money from home.

Want to learn more, get the Free Report by opting in on the right or click on the tabs above and take a ten day test drive.

I will talk with you soon.

Thanks for stopping by,



Sue Hanson has owned several business but found her true passion in online marketing. She now helps other's make the move to a career in online marketing. She loves helping people find online success and enjoys sharing her philosophy that it takes a family to raise a successful online marketer.