
You Can Be a Stay at Home Mom or Dad

One of the things I noticed as a new parent who wanted to stay home with my beautiful baby girl was that even though I was on maternity leave and had all the time I use to spend at the office, I was busier than ever.  Our new bundle Our beautiful baby daughter

of joy demanded more time than my job with a finance company.

It’s been eight years since those scary, joyful days and I still remember my decision to not go back to work so I could stay home with my daughter.  I wanted to be a stay at home mom.  As a first time mom, I was scared to leave her at a daycare.

I missed the paycheck but not the JOB. I liked the freedom of being able to take her for walks, or outside to enjoy the sun. I loved being there to take photos of her during the day.

But I wish I had known a way back then to earn some money from home that actually worked around a baby’s schedule. (Watch the video below for a special message from me about this)

I stayed home with my daughter for 2 1/2 years until I decided some time with other children would do her some good.  I went back to work at a Saturn dealership in fall of 2006, spending two years there before I was let go in a mass layoff.  During those two years, my family opened Hideaway Rentals, LLC, our vacation home rental business because we wanted another stream of income and felt we could do better investing our money into a business than we were doing with it in the stock market.

When I was let go from my sales position at Saturn, I got to experience the wonderful benefit of unemployment insurance payments for the first time in my life.  What an eye opener. I never knew until that first check arrived that there was an upper limit on the weekly payment .

I looked for a new JOB, week after week, finally landing one after many months of trying.  And do you know what happened????

It just wasn’t family friendly so I ended up quitting after a few months.  That’s when I got serious about working from home in the Internet Marketing arena.  I really love how when you put the effort in the right way, you can give yourself a raise when ever you want.

I never care now if it’s Friday or Monday.  It’s fun to work at your own business.

And now I get to help others work from home too.  Check out the video where I talk about helping you succeed online


Click the box, sign up for the test drive, and call me at 608 781 6725 and let me know you are ready to get started.

Check in with you soon,



Sue Hanson has owned several business but found her true passion in online marketing. She now helps other's make the move to a career in online marketing. She loves helping people find online success and enjoys sharing her philosophy that it takes a family to raise a successful online marketer.