
Are You Succeeding In Network Marketing?

97% of all network marketers fail to get even 1 sign-up.Online Business Success

Of all the hundreds of millions who join network marketing companies about 97% struggle to get even one sign-up into their company.

Why is it such a struggle?

Especially when most MLM companies have:

  • awesome products
  • good compensation plans
  • inspiring stories from successful leaders

There are valid reasons why network marketers fail to build a downline.

Leads/Traffic – finding people who are like-minded – who are looking to build a home business is not as easy as it seems, the excitement of joining soon wears off because it is difficult to find others who see the potential that you see.

Real System – the systems that many MLM companies provide are archaic. – you need a real business solution that is easy to duplicate, makes sense and is applied in bite size chunks.  Making a list of friends and family, cold calling and home parties do not create a business plan.

Value – you do not have anything of value to give away.  You need something fresh and useful to give away

Mentor – having little to no support also makes building your business more challenging –  having a personable, knowledgeable coach gives you the opportunity to build a sustainable business based on sound business principles.

Posting and hoping – in the online market place –network marketers are hanging out in facebook, twitter and other social sites – 97% of them are posting links and hoping someone will click and sign-up.The post and hope method does not work.  Just as stopping people in Walmart to tell them about your business – does not work.

People want to do business with people they know, like and trust.  Building relationships is the key to building a business – and with fantastic free tools like Skype you can find like-minded people all over the world.

Today’s market place rewards those who stand out from the crowd.

How can you stand out?   You have to have true value to offer …

Do you remember your school days when you wrote a report?  If you wrote enough words and made the whole report look organized – you could get a decent mark?

As a former teacher I called these reports – “snow jobs” – they just covered a lot of ground, but really had nothing of value to offer. Well in the market place free reports and ebooks that regurgitate the same old stuff are useless and boring.  People see through the “blah, blah, blah” right away.

So what do I offer you that stands out?

4 strategies when correctly applied that will bring you tons of new sign-ups.

1.    Traffic strategies – both paid and free that work – that bring people to you.

2.    Free access to a training site – List Driven Profits that costs $97.00 per month to join and will give you a ton of ways to build your prospective client list.

3.    Free access to a marketing funnel that you can personalize for your business

4.    Free one-on-one coaching to show you in bite size chunks how to put it all together.

I will show you step by step how to do each of these things.

I put a video together for you. Take the next 7 minutes to watch this video.

Act now and you will reach the leader board in your company.

Corinne Floyd




Corinne Floyd

P.S. Here is the video link – Go there now.

Thank you for visiting and reading my posts. I invite you to leave a comment. A few years ago I started looking to the Internet as a way to build a business. Before that I was the typical non-techie person. I seldom checked my emails, in fact I was happy that email did not buzz or beep at me! In other words, email did not demand my attention like so many things in the offline world. So I happily ignored email and the Internet. Why did I look for ways to build an online business? For many of the same reasons that you have arrived here. If you are like me, you want change for your family. Change that will come from earning money to retire your spouse from their JOB, help your children and grandchildren, create a legacy, and to teach others how they can to the same thing in their lives! Ready to make a difference? Skype Me - corinnefloyd Best of luck to you! Corinne Floyd Connect with me on Facebook.    
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