
Google Keyword Planner

Keyword Research

How to use Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner formerly known as Keyword Tool can be a great tool and an asset for your business blog.

Before writing  your next post be sure to use the Keyword Planner and find a targeted keyword and a couple of secondary keywords.

Why do keyword research?

Keywords make writing your post easier; plus they tell your reader exactly what your post is about and they help the search engines find and index your post.

You may have been avoiding keyword research because you find it confusing.  But by using Google Keyword Planner you can easily find keywords and thus have a better chance of having Google  find your post.

In the following video I briefly explain how to get started with keyword research using Google Keyword Planner.



Watch for the next video where I will show you how to narrower down your search for good keywords; and also show you how to export to Google Drive so that you can share your keywords with a business colleague.



P.S.  Questions? Leave a comment below.


Thank you for visiting and reading my posts. I invite you to leave a comment. A few years ago I started looking to the Internet as a way to build a business. Before that I was the typical non-techie person. I seldom checked my emails, in fact I was happy that email did not buzz or beep at me! In other words, email did not demand my attention like so many things in the offline world. So I happily ignored email and the Internet. Why did I look for ways to build an online business? For many of the same reasons that you have arrived here. If you are like me, you want change for your family. Change that will come from earning money to retire your spouse from their JOB, help your children and grandchildren, create a legacy, and to teach others how they can to the same thing in their lives! Ready to make a difference? Skype Me - corinnefloyd Best of luck to you! Corinne Floyd Connect with me on Facebook.    
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