
Video Training: Building Your Downline For Safelists Is easy With Safelist Genie

In this video I show how simple it is to join new SafeList from SLGenie. When you promote SafeList Genie and people start to look for more and better safelists they will use the software to join. That is very true once they discover how SafeList Genie fills in all the forms on auto pilot. SafeList Genie has been a time saver for me, it’s awesome!

Not a member of SLGenie yet? Click Here to get started today. Click the image below to start the video…



Retired from manufacturing management, 40 years in that rat race, former United States Marine (SEMPER FI) 4 years, Sport Pilot Experimental Aircraft Association member, Bass Fisherman, Married, 6 grandchildren, (yep you can send them home!) and I love doing my homebased business because it supplements my income very well. Live in Tennessee, but like to travel with my wife!