
Video Training: Earning Safelist Credits With SLGenie

The magic of Safe List Genie.

In this video I show you the easy way to earn your safelist credits. No black hat methods. Just the simpliest and fastest way to earn safelist credits. Safelists credits allow a person to mail their offer to the other safelist members. Without the credits a person can spend a small fortune in order to get the website traffic that is needed to reach your goals.

This is where SafeList Genie really performs her MAGIC!

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Retired from manufacturing management, 40 years in that rat race, former United States Marine (SEMPER FI) 4 years, Sport Pilot Experimental Aircraft Association member, Bass Fisherman, Married, 6 grandchildren, (yep you can send them home!) and I love doing my homebased business because it supplements my income very well. Live in Tennessee, but like to travel with my wife!