
What Do You Want When You Look Like That?

Sad but true, we find ourselves deep in this hole and wonder how in the blazes did we get there! We look at all these so called internet gurus that have made it or really have they? There is a lot of make believe on the internet, fantastic claims, money pouring out of their computer screen and the biggy SCREENSHOTS of this enormous income, come on folks give me a break.  That’s why we are in this hole, we just kept believing all these wonderful things and here we are in that deep black hole. Folks, jump up, pull  yourself up by the bootstraps  and listen, Since 2004 Global N.P.N. is and will be a solid company that provides folks like you and me with a nice consistent income, just takes time, not overnight but persistence and consistence work! So sorry if you didn’t think you had to do a little work, Ha, it doesn’t take much. No Brag, Just Facts! 


William “Bill” Stoner

Global N.P.N. Director

Retired from manufacturing management, 40 years in that rat race, former United States Marine (SEMPER FI) 4 years, Sport Pilot Experimental Aircraft Association member, Bass Fisherman, Married, 6 grandchildren, (yep you can send them home!) and I love doing my homebased business because it supplements my income very well. Live in Tennessee, but like to travel with my wife!