
If Your Looking for The Best ! Safe List Genie is The Best. .

If your looking for the best look no further .Safe List Genie is the best it really is the Bomb .

Talk about making life easier you want SL Genie if your looking for the best.

This prgram just defies all it gets your safelist emails out of places like Gmail and puts  them  in under one roof  where you can manage the list.

You have it all keeps track of when to mail and your mailing date shows when you can mail again and how many credits you have .

If your looking for the best this program comes with great tech support and very affordable price.

I have been using Safe List Genie  (SLG) for about 6 mos or more and I dont know how I ever got along with out.

Would you believe it even lets you click for credits right in the program keeping track of credits .

Put each safelist in a folder collect reading credits when you mail select send mail in the drop down box and select the safelist you want and it loads your url and the subject  along with what some call add swipe or body all at the same time poof click send same thing on the next safelist.

I”m telling if you are looking for the best  SLGenie is the best .

Come on in kick the tires on this thing make it work I double dare you .

Safe List Genie

Thanks for your time this time until next so long .

Paul SLoan


P.S Look for my Just do it Blog  @paulsloan7 on twitter .

Even more important my Blogg For Jesus


Both on twitter



For me Jesus family and country. Making money on line is fun and adding new friends and going to new heights and places is important . If your trying to make a decission pray on it and just do it . From there Earn Learn and save !
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