
What to post and what not to post .

I would like to invite everyone to the first posting of this blog!

There  are a few rules that have to be followed and as long as you follow the rules I will love having you aboard.

1.NO profanity NONE

2.No Porn none of any kind!

3. Comments should be kept to the topics.

4. Admin reserves the right to restrict any poster who breaks the rules.

5.No solicitation of any kind unless cleared first by the  ADMIN.

6.Even if the Admin is wrong the Admin is right kinda.

7. Check for more  rules in the future because someone is going to do something no doubt to make a new rule be written.



For me Jesus family and country. Making money on line is fun and adding new friends and going to new heights and places is important . If your trying to make a decission pray on it and just do it . From there Earn Learn and save !