



A few months ago a girlfriend of mine announced that she had launched a Women’s Only Network called Better Women’s Network. Her idea, she said, was to give women a place where we could all come together and share our experiences helping each other successfully make some  independant income online. Being a mother of 2 small children, I fell in love with this concept immediately because for me to return to my career full time was & is simply not an option right now. However, I need to earn some money and I need to keep my brain active before it turns to porridge! What I didn’t realise at the time was just how many online business opportunities there are out there!! As I started to wade through the plethora of Facebook groups offering the opportunity to “make money fast!” I realised I had entered a whole new world of which I knew absolutely NOTHING about. Honestly, this totally freaked me out & my first reaction was to quit and run far far away!! I didn’t want to be a sales person selling yet another pipe dream and I certainly didn’t want to receive the negative reactions of people who instantly think it’s Pyramid Selling wrapped up in fancy paper pretending to be an exciting new gift. I decided that I would research this topic in depth so that I could make an informed decision. I read A LOT of information and my conclusion is this: Most successful business models have some form of pyramid within their structure. The difference is that the old concept of Pyramid is an infinite and ongoing money making machine which in it’s very essence was a flawed model. Market saturation was bound to happen and did. The whole model collapsed. Proper Multi Level Marketing businesses are not the same as the Pyramid structure. If they are 5 levels or under they are legitimate and safe business models. Yes there are some dodgy online businesses out there which offer an infinite income based on “downline” after “downline” but Better Women’s Network is NOT this!

Better Women’s Network is designed to help women like me understand Marketing properly. The women in this network come from all walks of life and many of them have tried many MLM businesses and failed or succeeded so they bring to this Network all of their experience. They are sharing it so that women like me can learn from their mistakes and be successful straight away. Better Women’s Network have a structured learning platform in place so that we are given short daily tasks that will help us build our businesses efficiently. Anyone can join Better Women’s Network for free and start tapping into this wonderful well of knowledge and then if one decides they’re ready to try to make some money and test their new found marketing skills they can! Better Women’s Network have partnered up with Global NPN (a fabulous online marketing company) to offer the very best in Marketing tools. Together they can effectively spread the word about each other. Global NPN has tools for effective stream lined online Marketing to help businesses get the word out there and bring in some money fast! In return for their service & tools, Global NPN ask that you spread the word about them and they will reward you with a healthy commission. Just like any other healthy growing business they have realised that a little incentive goes a long way! There’s nothing wrong with that and so into this brave new world I go. I have no reason to fear the dark unknown because I have women from around the globe holding up the torch so that I can see more clearly.

So here we go……..


Please feel free to view my other blogs. 😉


My background (pre-children) was in Television On-Air Trailer Producing. It was a creative, fun & rewarding profession but now that I have 2 children it's not an option. The hours can be long and unpredictable and a mother can't afford to be any of those things. It is my desire to build a successful Online Marketing Team and help us all gain some financial profits. Ultimately I want to be able to help pay for better schooling for my children and ease some of the pressure from my hard working husband. If you'd like to join me in my quest to gain financial freedom, please contact me to discuss. And please take a look at Better Women's Network a fabulous group of women who are there to train, guide and support us to success! Thank You and All The Best, Beth Income Disclaimer