
The Big Cleanse


Today was day one of my 3 day juice cleanse and I have to admit that I woke up this morning with a feeling of dread. My first thought was “how am I going to get through the next 3 days?!” This thought was quickly superseded with an onslaught of other negative thoughts…”why did I sign up for this?”……”3 days without my beloved coffee arghhhhh”…..”What was I thinking?!!!”. Disgruntled, I closed my eyes and tried to return to sleep to avoid confronting the miserable food-less day ahead. BUT….My grumbling tummy and irritated mind wouldn’t allow me to sleep so I had to get up! As I sipped my hot water and lemon juice I began to think of ways to distract myself from thinking about what I was missing out on. I got dressed and packed my bag for the gym and then realised that because I didn’t have to sit down and eat breakfast I had an extra 20 minutes or so. This was a real bonus and I actually felt pretty good! All day long I’ve had extra time because I haven’t had to worry about preparing or consuming food! I’ve been able to get lots of little jobs done and then this afternoon I went and had a fabulous massage to help with the de-tox of course 😉

It’s now dinner time and I’ve made it through the whole day without anything except my allocated juices and although I AM pretty hungry, I am still feeling good. In fact, I am already feeling cleansed and better for embarking on this journey.

The moral of this story is that sometimes we have to commit to things that may make us feel uncomfortable at first, in order to see the long term gain. When I first joined Better Women’s Network I felt uncomfortable and awkward because I had no idea about Affiliate or multilevel Marketing and it was a steep learning curb. However, I stuck with it – through those initial teething pains and now I am enjoying it. I look forward to my daily 15 minute tasks and it’s quickly becoming part of my routine. I understand it all better and I know that there’s a team of women out there to help me if I need it. Just like my juice cleanse, I’m glad I’ve stuck with it!

Here’s to a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous future!! 🙂



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My background (pre-children) was in Television On-Air Trailer Producing. It was a creative, fun & rewarding profession but now that I have 2 children it's not an option. The hours can be long and unpredictable and a mother can't afford to be any of those things. It is my desire to build a successful Online Marketing Team and help us all gain some financial profits. Ultimately I want to be able to help pay for better schooling for my children and ease some of the pressure from my hard working husband. If you'd like to join me in my quest to gain financial freedom, please contact me to discuss. And please take a look at Better Women's Network a fabulous group of women who are there to train, guide and support us to success! Thank You and All The Best, Beth Income Disclaimer