From little things…..big things grow

I had something else planned for my blog today…but it got quickly pushed aside when I opened my inbox this morning and discovered that my residual income had just grown overnight!

Oh my nelly, how excited do you think I was? Poor hubby, he could see I was beside myself and through all of the “OMG’s” and “Oh WOW’s” I was eventually able to explain….. Even my 6 year old who was GLUED to a new game on the ipad came running to see what the exciting news was. If I’d had a champagne in the fridge I reckon I would have cracked it 🙂 (And yes I am aware that’s just a “little bit sad” ….. but only a little bit lol)

I’m so excited that my hard work is really starting to pay off and my income streams are growing.

Whilst I’d love to sit here and tell you I’m a Superstar…… I’m not…….. Far from it!

But what I have done is educated myself and connected with successful people who teach me.

There are so many opportunities out there for people who want to work from home or even earn some extra money. It really is just a matter of finding the right fit for you, being prepared to educate yourself, connect with others who are successfully doing it and then doing it yourself. Of course this doesn’t happen overnight and its certainly not get rich quick, but it is real and opportunity is out there for anyone who wants it.



Amanda Sutton

Hi, my name is Amanda and I live in Australia. Im a Wife, a Mum, a Friend, an Accountant and an online Entrepreneur. You could say life is a little bit busy! Im the major breadwinner in our family, so my dream of reducing my working hours so that I could be there each day to pick my little man up from school was slowly slipping away....I'd probably get there by the time he was in high school...but lets face it that's going to be exactly when he DOESNT want Mum picking him up and hanging out with him after school lol! Nothing was going to change unless I did something about it. So I am taking control and making happen. Ive learned from the best the industry has to offer and have successfully grown several income streams in a reasonably short period of time and I LOVE it! Its so much fun and Ive met some absolutely wonderful people from all around the world who have taught me so much, not just about business...but most importantly about me 🙂 What started out as a small dream to reduce some hours in my "day job" has now grown into a dream of full retirement from 9-5. Ive taken control....and IM MAKING IT HAPPEN!