I stumbled on this information by my favourite Astrologer who writes for Sunday magazine each week here in Sydney.
You are not where you used to be. You’ve moved on,in both heart and and your mind,if not with the physical form.
What once scared you now hardly bothers you .What once excited you now leaves you cold. Though that may not seen like a desireable development,you were getting hot under the collar about matters that were unworthy of your attention.
Now you’re free to turn that attention to inspiring, worthwhile priorities.
And in the process, this February. you can begin to cahnge your life.
This has something to do with the wonderful women I work with (me thinks) along with other personal issues.
I am a single Mum raising two teenagers on my own. I am so proud of my kids, they have adjusted to a failed marriage to know fault of there own.And this why I'm here, I an passionate about helping other to succeed,and when you do nothing inspire's me more.This is why I have joined this marvelous group of amazing women who are hell bent on creating a better financial world for all of us, know one is alone and we a force to be reckoned with. We are united, strong and capable, I look forward to building relationships with all that cross my path. If I can turn things around can you?