
The many personalities of Kristie Folkes

When I was growing up all I wanted to do was learn how to surf. Now we own a surf business Mojosurf and I can surf whenever I want. IMG_0275I loved health and always wanted to work in the health and fitness industry now I am a Naturopath and Pilates Instructor.

Then I had  3 children and any job I had ever even thought about doing came to be. Hairdresser check, taxi driver check, mediator check, wine taster check, party planner check, lunch maker extraordinaire check.


I am so fortunate that  during my life I have had many opportunities to build different personalities and I am slowly learning how to successfully “be all things to all people”. (rather talented really).

Then last year  I decided I also needed to master the internet and my goal was to know how to use it better than my 8 year old.  I could work from home and get some knowledge. “But why, when you are doing so many other things”, Nathan asked. “Because I can” was my reply. And so it goes, here I am months later with a fair understanding of how it works and learning more every day.536241_209425282535118_1035990943_n

Better Womens’ Network has given me the tools to add blogger, networker, marketer and cross eyed to my personality list. As I go through my journey in life I look forward to adding many more.

Nathan if you read this I would like to add world traveller to this list. 😉



I am new to the marketing world. My background is as a Naturopath and a Nutritionalist but I am fascinated by marketing. It is something I NEED to use to run any of my successful businesses. When I found this opportunity to work with Better Womens Network and tap into the wonderful generous women who also work at BWN I was stoaked and did not hesitate. So far I have definitely not been disappointed. There is more than enough information to keep me working 24/7 on my marketing skills. Energise, Nourish and Achieve. These are three things I constantly strive for. I am passionate about health, movement and living life fully (this third aspect is sometimes compromised by running a household of 3 young children and a teenage husband) but I try.
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