Want to be more productive working from home? Then get rid of the pain in the neck.

Your neck and shoulders contain muscles, bones, nerves, arteries, and veins, as well as many ligaments and other supporting structures. Posture is the position we hold our bodies in when we are sitting, standing or lying down.

Working from home often requires long hours sitting at the computer and on the phone. Do you stop to think about how your posture could be affecting your health?

Posture has a big impact on our health in two major ways.534831_160377197446568_1543827900_n

First, stooped or slumped posture can cause our muscles to overwork and create tension headaches, fatigue, back pain and general grumpiness. Secondly, when our posture is slumped it can cause our internal organs, such as liver, kidneys and stomach  to get squashed and slow down. This in turn can make us feel sluggish and tired.

SO it really makes sense to take time out for YOU every hour or so to reconnect with your BODY and get your creative juices flowing freely.

Photo on 2013-02-23 at 23.46

Click my picture above to watch these simple exercises or read the instructions below. They WILL make a difference to your day.

Some simple exercises to do.

1. Breathe deeply in mouth right down to stomach and then breathe out nose.

2. Lift shoulders up to your ears and drop shoulder blades down back.

3. Curve the back into a c shape and then sit up again.

4. Ensure you have correct posture. While sitting lift shoulder blades up and roll the shoulder blades down the back. Then from the crown of your head imagine a string pulling you upright. Pull your navel right back to your spine and tilt your pelvis or bottom under toward the front a little.

5. While in this erect posture breathe again as per step 1 then roll head from side to side.

6. Roll head with chin to chest then to the other side and back in a circular movement. All the way around. This should feel great.


7. Clasp hands behind your back and link your fingers. then pull gently on the arms so you get a back stretch.

8. Put arms above head and clasp hands pull gently then slowly lower arms.

Repeat each exercise 5 times and don’t forget to keep the deep breathes going throughout the routine.

If you feel any unusual discomfort please STOP the exercise. They are intended for a guide only.


Enjoy your day. 🙂


If you enjoyed this blog or have something to say about it please comment below or share with others you know may benefit from it. 🙂



I am new to the marketing world. My background is as a Naturopath and a Nutritionalist but I am fascinated by marketing. It is something I NEED to use to run any of my successful businesses. When I found this opportunity to work with Better Womens Network and tap into the wonderful generous women who also work at BWN I was stoaked and did not hesitate. So far I have definitely not been disappointed. There is more than enough information to keep me working 24/7 on my marketing skills. Energise, Nourish and Achieve. These are three things I constantly strive for. I am passionate about health, movement and living life fully (this third aspect is sometimes compromised by running a household of 3 young children and a teenage husband) but I try.
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  • Thanks for the tips Kristie – my back does get sore when I sit too long – I have to get up and move, walk – do something!!

  • sonif65

    Thanks Kristie! I do find myself stooping over a lot, especially when reading for research. I will add your routine to my daily action plan 🙂

  • Luba Kanch

    Great tips Kristie and very important too!
    I read that most people do not breath properly and therefore brain is not receiving the correct amount of oxygen. Just think if we all made enough time to do the important things 🙂
    Thanks for the share!