
Better Womens Network – what is that?

First of all, welcome to my blog…thanks for stopping by!

I have had people ask me recently what on earth is Better Womens Network? What do they do? Why only women? and so many more…

Well, Better Womens Network is a Network founded by a woman who has the dream of helping 100,000 women across the globe earn income from home…As women, we have a lot that have been put on us to achieve or accomplish – taking care of the home front, ensuring the kids are well taken care of and doing well, be everywhere at the same time, ensure there are hot meals set for the family, not mentioning cleaning, laundry, ironing and the list goes on and on and on…We also have women who are combining studying to doing all of the above as well as pursuing a career in the corporate world…phew!! That’s so much work…Therefore, many women have resorted to staying at home and not pursuing a career in order to get many of these things done on a daily basis…There is one problem though – money matters! Many women do not want to live off others, they want to be independent and be able to contribute to the family’s income – and this is why this network was created for such women!

Now women from all over the world can come together, support, learn from one another and build a business from home in the process…

For more information about the Better Womens Network and to find out how to become a part of us, click here!

I hope you find this exciting and decide to become a part of us! See you on the other side…

Shayo Ayoola

A happily married mother of 3 children who keep me extremely busy daily but i love every second of it...and decided to work from home so i could be able to be around my family, watch my kids grow and be in their lives as they grow... I therefore started my journey to work from home and now i am professional Network Marketer and Internet Marketer, living a purposeful life by impacting others and helping them become all they were created to be.
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