As we begin to count down to the end of 2012, i am in a mood of gratitude. I cast my mind back over this year 2012, although with it’s ups and downs, challenges and struggles , i still have a lot of things to show gratitude for!
Showing gratitude
For the love of my heavenly father i am grateful, for the love and support of my wonderful husband i am very grateful, for my 3 gorgeous kids, the third born in perfect health this year, i am very,very grateful! For perfect health for my family, no time in hospitals, no one on constant medication, i show my gratitude. For the love of friends, business partners, colleauges, i am incredibly grateful.
Not many people see business opportunities, not many people take risks, not many people are bold enough to follow their dreams, for seeing business opportunities in 2012, for taking the risks i took in terms of my businesses, for the boldness to chase after and follow my dreams, Lord, i am eternally grateful!
For the wonderful people you have brought my way this year, i am indeed a blessed woman, i have learned from so many people, i have grown in knowledge, i have grown in wisdom, i have learned from both my own mistakes and the mistakes of others – i am grateful for those too. I am especially grateful for you reading this post this very minute, our paths have crossed for a specific reason, i am grateful for you too!
I am grateful
All i just want to do is pour my affection on my Lord and saviour and show my gratitude in worship, in songs to Him, my maker, my Lord, my King, my Shepherd, my Guide, my waymaker, the lifter up of my head, my El-shaddai – it is in Him, i live, move and have my being – my counselor – i have come to show my gratitude, not for all you have done alone, but for who you are to me!
What are you grateful for? Please share with me here on my Facebook page.