
10 Twitter Accounts To Geek Up Your Social Media Experience

We are all on the never-ending search for the most entertaining social media outlets we can find to liven up or geek up our social media experiences. We ‘friend request’ people we made eye contact with from across the room at a party who we will never see again. We ‘follow’ accounts of celebrities and musicians we like. There are even those very few individuals who are still clinging to the early 2000s, and they are still trying to decide who to keep in their Top 8.

TOP 1:  http://wcanow.com/home.html?sopris

We put forth all of this effort just so we can be up-to-date on what our friends are doing, who is putting out a new album, or when the next witty romcom starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan is coming out.

For those on BitRebels, we like to keep up-to-date about things a little more on the geeky side. Those are things like, “Is the International Astronomical Union going to demote any more of our planets to dwarf status?” or “Did Fox finally decide to bring Firefly back?” So to keep you in the loop of all the good things geeky, and to geek up your Twitter stream, here are a list of Twitter accounts to follow that will keep your geek curiosities satisfied. You can geek up your Twitter stream in an instant by following them today.

1. George Takei (@GeorgeTakei)– Mr. Sulu himself, he always has amazingly hilarious and geeky things to share.


2. Nathan Fillion (@NathanFillion) – Malcolm Reynolds, Captain of Serenity, Captain Hammer, beloved geek icon.


3. Felicia Day (@feliciaday) – Creator and star of The Guild, Penny in Dr. Horrible, and all around geek.


4. Geek & Sundry (@GeekandSundry) – This is the account for the YouTube channel that shows The Guild and Space Janitors.


5. Dr. Horrible (@drhorrible) – He has a Ph.D in horribleness. It’s a character only NPH could have brought to life.


6. Wil Wheaton (@wilw) – Wesley Crusher, arch-nemesis of Sheldon Cooper, and all around hilarious guy.


7. ThinkGeek (@thinkgeek) – The Twitter account for the greatest geeky online store out there, often offers interesting geeky facts.


8. Neil deGrasse Tyson (@Neiltysen) – Astrophysicist, Director of the Hayden Planetarium, Author, smarter than you or me.


9. Seth Green (@SethGreen) – Creator of Robot Chicken, Voice of Chris Griffin on Family Guy, lover of nostalgic geekiness.


10. Bit Rebels (@BitRebels) – If you’re reading this, and you don’t follow this account, something doesn’t add up. Change that. :)
