
I Have The Most Terrible Skin In The World

Despite What You Think The Statistics Are…

Could you believe that almost 90% of women wear makeup simply because they “believe” that  they have bad unrepairable skin. The funny thing about that is more than majority of these women can simply change that easily…

MEN, I didn’t forget about you now. You would be surprised how many men actually put on a little concealer,especially those who share the same skin color as their sister/girlfriend etc^_^ It doesn’t seem so bad with men with bad skin if you ask me,majority of them don’t seem to care how their skin look,and in my opinion I actually find that pretty attractive….So I know some of you guys are probably thinking,where I’m going with this and what’s really the secret to amazing skin,so here we go….

You ever heard the proverb,”You are what you eat?” Well,there you go. Whatever you put into your body has a side affect. I don’t care if you been eating only Mcdonalds for the past 8years everyday and you’re still skinny as a bookmark. Trust me,it will catch up,eventually,and when it does,your body and even your skin will become affected. Don’t just take my word for it. I’m sure if you’re reading this,you definitely know what I’m talking about….

Let’s Find A Solution

First,we need watch what we put in our bodies. Too much sugar can cause not only weight gain,but it can cause you to break out as well. For all my chocolate eaters out there,yes sweethearts I know this is going to upset you but chocolate causes about 80% of your breakouts if you have any. If you do have breakouts,it might not just be chocolate it could be anything containing a high amount of sugar,for example candy,cake,donuts,soda,and even some juices.

Food also containing a high amount of grease can be terrible for your skin. Because while you’re actually digesting the food,guess where all the grease go?Yup exactly. So the next time you want to beat yourself up because you swear you have “terrible skin” just stop yourself before you start and ask yourself “what am I putting in my body?”  “How high is my grease and sugar intake?” “How much water do I drink on a daily?” or “When was the last time I drunk water or some green tea?” If you ask yourself these questions and you start taking action,for the women out there,will reduce the chances of you putting on too much makeup,build your self confidence,improve your health and just find comfort in your skin. For the men,you get the same results as the women,except for the makeup part,well some of you^_^ Remember guys,no matter what you take from this blog,just know that at the end of the day,it is your personality that matters the most…but that’s another topic….

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