
It sounds like a pyramid scheme to me!

I’m fairly new to the world of Network Marketing, in fact you could say I know ‘a little’ and still have an ‘awful lot’ to learn.

When I came across the Better Women’s Network I felt like I had finally found the key to unlocking a better life for me and my family. Here was a network of like-minded women all working together to gain financial independence, a group that shared information and offered endless amounts of support to those who are just starting out. Sure, there was a cost involved to get going but I can’t think of many businesses where you don’t have to commit some money to get your business off the ground.

A couple of weeks after joining the Better Women’s Network I started to receive some comments from people who said “it sounds like a pyramid scheme to me”. This surprised me, naturally I was quick to defend my position but nothing I said convinced them.

For some reason there are people out there who are instantly suspicious of online marketing businesses. They think that if you are making a good income while working online at home it must be either:

  • a scam 
  • a pyramid scheme, or
  • a ponzi scheme 

A couple of days ago I came across a video entitled “I still think it is a pyramid scheme”. This funny little video addresses many of the misconceptions about network marketing. What it highlighted for me was the fact that if you are building a network you need to have the right people on your team and that’s exactly what we have in the Better Women’s Network.

Enjoy the video!

p.s. If you’re a women who would like to change your life and create a profitable business working online at home please get in touch with me via facebook or visit this link: http://betterwomensnetwork.com/cate-cornwell/



Cate Cornwell

Hello my name is Cate, I'm really pleased to welcome you to this page. As a mother and a wife I'm always looking for ways to work less and spend more time with my family but that just isn't an option, in fact I seem to be working longer hours as the years go by. I've always had a secret passion for making money online but I just didn't know where to start and I didn't want to do it on my own, I felt that I just didn't have the skills or direction. Over the past couple of years I've signed up for endless Internet Marketing newsletters, webinars and e-books, in fact so many that I became more and more confused and further and further away from making a start. I became convinced that I'd never find the right opportunity UNTIL I came across the Better Women's Network. The more I watched the videos by Kirsty Sleep and spoke with some of the ladies in the Better Women's Network the more excited I became. I couldn't wait to join and get started. Suddenly I'm learning new skills, making friends and building a credible online business. I can certainly see a time in the very near future where I can reduce my working hours and start spending some quality time with my family. The Better Women's Network offers so much support and I can't wait to be able to pass these new skills on to other women who join after me. If you're looking for an opportunity to start making an online income for yourself I'd love you to get in contact with me or any of the women from this fantastic group. Income Disclaimer
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